Resonant optical spin initialization and readout of single silicon vacancies in 4H-SiC

Abstract in English

The silicon monovacancy in 4H-SiC is a promising candidate for solid-state quantum information processing. We perform high-resolution optical spectroscopy on single V2 defects at cryogenic temperatures. We find favorable low temperature optical properties that are essential for optical readout and coherent control of its spin and for the development of a spin-photon interface. The common features among individual defects include two narrow, nearly lifetime-limited optical transitions that correspond to $m_s{=}pm 3/2$ and $m_s{=}pm 1/2$ spin states with no discernable zero-field splitting fluctuations. Initialization and readout of the spin states is characterized by time-resolved optical spectroscopy under resonant excitation of these transitions, showing significant differences between the $pm 3/2$ and $pm 1/2$ spin states. These results are well-described by a theoretical model that strengthens our understanding of the quantum properties of this defect.
