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We report on the fabrication of conducting interfaces between LaAlO$_3$ and SrTiO$_3$ by 90$^o$ off-axis sputtering in an Ar atmosphere. At a growth pressure of 0.04 mbar the interface is metallic, with a carrier density of the order of $10^{13}$ cm$^{-2}$ at 3 K. By increasing the growth pressure, we observe an increase of the out-of-plane lattice constants of the LaAlO$_3$ films while the in-plane lattice constants do not change. Also, the low-temperature sheet resistance increases with increasing growth pressure, leading to an insulating interface when the growth pressure reaches 0.10 mbar. We attribute the structural variations to an increase of the La/Al ratio, which also explains the transition from metallic behavior to insulating behavior of the interfaces. Our research emphasizes the key role of the cation stoichiometry of LaAlO$_3$ in the formation of the conducting interface, and also the control which is furnished by the Ar pressure in the growth process.
We report the angular dependence of magnetoresistance in two-dimensional electron gas at LaAlO$_3$/SrTiO$_3$ interface. We find that this interfacial magnetoresistance exhibits a similar angular dependence to the spin Hall magnetoresistance observed in ferromagnet/heavy metal bilayers, which has been so far discussed in the framework of bulk spin Hall effect of heavy metal layer. The observed magnetoresistance is in qualitative agreement with theoretical model calculation including both Rashba spin-orbit coupling and exchange interaction. Our result suggests that magnetic interfaces subject to spin-orbit coupling can generate a nonnegligible contribution to the spin Hall magnetoresistance and the interfacial spin-orbit coupling effect is therefore key to the understanding of various spin-orbit-coupling-related phenomena in magnetic/non-magnetic bilayers.
The ability to create and investigate composite fermionic phases opens new avenues for the investigation of strongly correlated quantum matter. We report the experimental observation of a series of quantized conductance steps within strongly interacting electron waveguides formed at the LaAlO$_3$/SrTiO$_3$ interface. The waveguide conductance follows a characteristic sequence within Pascals triangle: $(1, 3, 6, 10, 15, ...)cdot e^2/h$, where $e$ is the electron charge and $h$ is the Planck constant. The robustness of these steps with respect to magnetic field and gate voltage indicate the formation of a new family of degenerate quantum liquids formed from bound states of $n = 2, 3, 4, ...$ electrons. These experiments could provide solid-state analogues for a wide range of composite fermionic phases ranging from neutron stars to solid-state materials to quark-gluon plasmas.
Ionic crystals terminated at oppositely charged polar surfaces are inherently unstable and expected to undergo surface reconstructions to maintain electrostatic stability. Essentially, an electric field that arises between oppositely charged atomic planes gives rise to a built-in potential that diverges with thickness. In ultra thin film form however the polar crystals are expected to remain stable without necessitating surface reconstructions, yet the built-in potential has eluded observation. Here we present evidence of a built-in potential across polar lao ~thin films grown on sto ~substrates, a system well known for the electron gas that forms at the interface. By performing electron tunneling measurements between the electron gas and a metallic gate on lao ~we measure a built-in electric field across lao ~of 93 meV/AA. Additionally, capacitance measurements reveal the presence of an induced dipole moment near the interface in sto, illuminating a unique property of sto ~substrates. We forsee use of the ionic built-in potential as an additional tuning parameter in both existing and novel device architectures, especially as atomic control of oxide interfaces gains widespread momentum.
Hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (HAXPES) and variable kinetic energy x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (VKE-XPS) analyses have been performed on 10 unit cell La$_{(1-{delta})}$Al$_{(1+{delta})}$O$_3$ films, with La:Al ratios of 1.1, 1.0, and 0.9, deposited on SrTiO$_3$. Of the three films, only the Al-rich film was known to have a conductive interface. VKE-XPS, coupled with maximum entropy analysis, shows significant differences in the compositional depth profile between the Al-rich, the La-rich, and stoichiometric films; significant La enrichment at the interface is observed in the La-rich and stoichiometric films, while the Al-rich shows little to no intermixing. Additionally, the La-rich and stoichiometric films show a high concentration of Al at the surface, which is not observed in the Al-rich film. HAXPES valence band (VB) analysis shows a broadening of the VB for the Al-rich sample relative to the stoichiometric and La-rich samples, which have insulating interfaces. This broadening is consistent with an electric field across the Al-rich film. These results are consistent with a defect driven electronic reconstruction.
A number of recent studies indicate that the charge conduction of the LaAlO$_3$/SrTiO$_3$ interface at low temperature is confined to filaments which are linked to structural domain walls in the SrTiO$_3$ with drastic consequences for example for the temperature dependence of local transport properties. We demonstrate that as a consequences of this current carrying filaments on the nano-scale the magnetotransport properties of the interface are highly anisotropic. Our magnetoresistance measurements reveal that the magnetoresistance in different nanostructures ($<500nm$) is random in magnitude and sign, respectively. Warming up nanostructures above the structural phase transition temperature (105K) results in the significant change in MR. Even a sign change of the magnetoresistance is possible. The results suggest that domain walls that are differently oriented with respect to the surface exhibit different respective magnetoresistance and the total magnetoresistance is a result of a random domain wall pattern formed during the structural phase transition in the SrTiO$_3$ at cool down.