Polyakov-Mellin Bootstrap for AdS loops

Abstract in English

We consider holographic CFTs and study their large $N$ expansion. We use Polyakov-Mellin bootstrap to extract the CFT data of all operators, including scalars, till $O(1/N^4)$. We add a contact term in Mellin space, which corresponds to an effective $phi^4$ theory in AdS and leads to anomalous dimensions for scalars at $O(1/N^2)$. Using this we fix $O(1/N^4)$ anomalous dimensions for double trace operators finding perfect agreement with cite{loopal} (for $Delta_{phi}=2$). Our approach generalizes this to any dimensions and any value of conformal dimensions of external scalar field. In the second part of the paper, we compute the loop amplitude in AdS which corresponds to non-planar correlators of in CFT. More precisely, using CFT data at $O(1/N^4)$ we fix the AdS bubble diagram and the triangle diagram for the general case.
