Phases of active matter in two dimensions

Abstract in English

These notes focus on the description of the phases of matter in two dimensions. Firstly, we present a brief discussion of the phase diagrams of bidimensional interacting passive systems, and their numerical and experimental measurements. The presentation will be short and schematic. We will complement these notes with a rather complete bibliography that should guide the students in their study of the development of this very rich subject over the last century. Secondly, we summarise very recent results on the phase diagrams of active Brownian disks and active dumbbell systems in two dimensions. The idea is to identify all the phases and to relate, when this is possible, the ones found in the passive limit with the ones observed at large values of the activity, at high and low densities, and for both types of constituents. Proposals for the mechanisms leading to these phases will be discussed. The physics of bidimensional active systems open many questions, some of which will be listed by the end of the Chapter.
