Alzheimers Disease Prediction Using Longitudinal and Heterogeneous Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Abstract in English

Recent evidence has shown that structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an effective tool for Alzheimers disease (AD) prediction and diagnosis. While traditional MRI-based diagnosis uses images acquired at a single time point, a longitudinal study is more sensitive and accurate in detecting early pathological changes of the AD. Two main difficulties arise in longitudinal MRI-based diagnosis: (1) the inconsistent longitudinal scans among subjects (i.e., different scanning time and different total number of scans); (2) the heterogeneous progressions of high-dimensional regions of interest (ROIs) in MRI. In this work, we propose a novel feature selection and estimation method which can be applied to extract features from the heterogeneous longitudinal MRI. A key ingredient of our method is the combination of smoothing splines and the $l_1$-penalty. We perform experiments on the Alzheimers Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) database. The results corroborate the advantages of the proposed method for AD prediction in longitudinal studies.
