Effective Field Theory of Black Hole Quasinormal Modes in Scalar-Tensor Theories

Abstract in English

The final ringdown phase in a coalescence process is a valuable laboratory to test General Relativity and potentially constrain additional degrees of freedom in the gravitational sector. We introduce here an effective description for perturbations around spherically symmetric spacetimes in the context of scalar-tensor theories, which we apply to study quasi-normal modes for black holes with scalar hair. We derive the equations of motion governing the dynamics of both the polar and the axial modes in terms of the coefficients of the effective theory. Assuming the deviation of the background from Schwarzschild is small, we use the WKB method to introduce the notion of light ring expansion. This approximation is analogous to the slow-roll expansion used for inflation, and it allows us to express the quasinormal mode spectrum in terms of a small number of parameters. This work is a first step in describing, in a model independent way, how the scalar hair can affect the ringdown stage and leave signatures on the emitted gravitational wave signal. Potential signatures include the shifting of the quasi-normal spectrum, the breaking of isospectrality between polar and axial modes, and the existence of scalar radiation.
