Evidence of a large scale positive rotation-metallicity correlation in the Galactic thick disk

Abstract in English

This study is based on high quality astrometric and spectroscopic data from the most recent releases by Gaia and APOGEE. We select $58,882$ thin and thick disk red giants, in the Galactocentric (cylindrical) distance range $5 < R < 13$~kpc and within $|z| < 3$~kpc, for which full chemo-kinematical information is available. Radial chemical gradients, $partial rm{[M/H]} / partial rm{R}$, and rotational velocity-metallicity correlations, $partial V_phi / partial rm{[M/H]}$, are re-derived firmly uncovering that the thick disk velocity-metallicity correlation maintains its positiveness over the $8$~kpc range explored. This observational result is important as it sets experimental constraints on recent theoretical studies on the formation and evolution of the Milky Way disk and on cosmological models of Galaxy formation.
