Analysis of the strong vertices of $Sigma_cND^{*}$ and $Sigma_bNB^{*}$ in QCD sum rules

Abstract in English

The strong coupling constant is an important parameter which can help us to understand the strong decay behaviors of baryons. In our previous work, we have analyzed strong vertices $Sigma_{c}^{*}ND$, $Sigma_{b}^{*}NB$, $Sigma_{c}ND$, $Sigma_{b}NB$ in QCD sum rules. Following these work, we further analyze the strong vertices $Sigma_{c}ND^{*}$ and $Sigma_{b}NB^{*}$ using the three-point QCD sum rules under Dirac structures $q!!!/p!!!/gamma_{alpha}$ and $q!!!/p!!!/p_{alpha}$. In this work, we first calculate strong form factors considering contributions of the perturbative part and the condensate terms $langleoverline{q}qrangle$, $langlefrac{alpha_{s}}{pi}GGrangle$ and $langleoverline{q}g_{s}sigma Gqrangle$. Then, these form factors are used to fit into analytical functions. According to these functions, we finally determine the values of the strong coupling constants for these two vertices $Sigma_{c}ND^{*}$ and $Sigma_{b}NB^{*}$.
