Finite temperature geometric properties of the Kitaev honeycomb model

Abstract in English

We study finite temperature topological phase transitions of the Kitaevs spin honeycomb model in the vortex-free sector with the use of the recently introduced mean Uhlmann curvature. We employ an appropriate Fermionisation procedure to study the system as a two-band p-wave superconductor described by a BdG Hamiltonian. This allows to study relevant quantities such as Berry and mean Uhlmann curvatures in a simple setting. More specifically, we consider the spin honeycomb in the presence of an external magnetic field breaking time reversal symmetry. The introduction of such an external perturbation opens a gap in the phase of the system characterised by non-Abelian statistics, and makes the model to belong to a symmetry protected class, so that the Uhmann number can be analysed. We first consider the Berry curvature on a particular evolution line over the phase diagram. The mean Uhlmann curvature and the Uhlmann number are then analysed considering the system to be in a Gibbs state at finite temperature. Then, we show that the mean Uhlmann curvature describes a cross-over effect of the phases at high temperature. We also find an interesting nonmonotonic behaviour of the Uhlmann number as a function of the temperature in the trivial phase, which is due to the partial filling of the conduction band around Dirac points.
