Stable Cluster Variables

Abstract in English

Richard Eager and Sebastian Franco introduced a change of basis transformation on the F-polynomials of Fomin and Zelevinsky, corresponding to rewriting them in the basis given by fractional brane charges rather than quiver gauge groups. This transformation seems to display a surprising stabilization property, apparently causing the first few terms of the polynomials at each step of the mutation sequence to coincide. Eager and Franco conjecture that this transformation will always cause the polynomials to converge to a formal power series as the number of mutations goes to infinity, at least for quivers possessing certain symmetries and along periodic mutation sequences respecting such symmetries. In this paper, we verify this convergence in the case of the Kronecker and Conifold quivers. We also investigate convergence in the $F_0$ quiver. We provide a combinatorial interpretation for the stable cluster variables in each appropriate case.
