We present in detail the basic ingredients contained in bi-local holography, representing a constructive scheme for reconstructing AdS bulk theories in Vectorial/AdS duality. Explicit Mapping to bulk AdS and higher spin fields is seen to be given by a double Fourier transform. All order interactions are explicitly specified through the collective action. This generates bulk Feynman (Witten) diagrams (at tree and loop level). We give details of the four-point case evaluation. It is noted that the bi-local construction goes beyond the assumptions in various discussions of non-locality.
We discuss large $N$ rules of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model and the bi-local representation of holography of this theory. This is done by establishing $1/N$ Feynman rules in terms of bi-local propagators and vertices, which can be evaluated following the recent procedure of Polchinski and Rosenhaus. These rules can be interpreted as Witten type diagrams of the dual AdS theory, which we are able to define at IR fixed point and off.
We continue the study of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model in the Large $N$ limit. Following our formulation in terms of bi-local collective fields with dynamical reparametrization symmetry, we perform perturbative calculations around the conformal IR point.
We study codimension-even conical defects that contain a deficit solid angle around each point along the defect. We show that they lead to a delta function contribution to the Lovelock scalar and we compute the contribution by two methods. We then show that these codimension-even defects appear as Euclidean brane solutions in higher dimensional topological AdS gravity which is Lovelock-Chern-Simons gravity without torsion. The theory possesses a holographic Weyl anomaly that is purely of type-A and proportional to the Lovelock scalar. Using the formula for the defect contribution, we prove a holographic duality between codimension-even defect partition functions and codimension-even brane on-shell actions in Euclidean signature. More specifically, we find that the logarithmic divergences match, because the Lovelock-Chern-Simons action localizes on the brane exactly. We demonstrate the duality explicitly for a spherical defect on the boundary which extends as a codimension-even hyperbolic brane into the bulk. For vanishing brane tension, the geometry is a foliation of Euclidean AdS space that provides a one-parameter generalization of AdS-Rindler space.
This paper explores construction of gauge (diffeomorphism)-invariant observables in anti de Sitter (AdS) space and the related question of how to find a holographic map providing a quantum equivalence to a boundary theory. Observables are constructed perturbatively to leading order in the gravitational coupling by gravitationally dressing local field theory operators in order to solve the gravitational constraints. Many such dressings are allowed and two are explicitly examined, corresponding to a gravitational line and to a Coulomb field; these also reveal an apparent role for more general boundary conditions than considered previously. The observables obey a nonlocal algebra, and we derive explicit expressions for the boundary generators of the SO(D-1,2) AdS isometries that act on them. We examine arguments that gravity {it explains} holography through the role of such a boundary Hamiltonian. Our leading-order gravitational construction reveals some questions regarding how these arguments work, and indeed construction of such a holographic map appears to require solution of the non-perturbative generalization of the bulk constraint equations.
We use conformal supergravity techniques to study four-derivative corrections in four-dimensional gauged supergravity. We show that the four-derivative Lagrangian for the propagating degrees of freedom of the $mathcal{N}=2$ gravity multiplet is determined by two real dimensionless constants. We demonstrate that all solutions of the two-derivative equations of motion in the supergravity theory also solve the four-derivative equations of motion. These results are then applied to explicitly calculate the regularized on-shell action for any asymptotically locally AdS$_4$ solution of the two-derivative equations of motion. The four-derivative terms in the supergravity Lagrangian modify the entropy and other thermodynamic observables for the black hole solutions of the theory. We calculate these corrections explicitly and demonstrate that the quantum statistical relation holds for general stationary black holes in the presence of the four-derivative corrections. Employing an embedding of this supergravity model in M-theory we show how to use supersymmetric localization results in the holographically dual three-dimensional SCFT to determine the unknown coefficients in the four-derivative supergravity action. This in turn leads to new detailed results for the first subleading $N^{frac{1}{2}}$ correction to the large $N$ partition function of a class of three-dimensional SCFTs on compact Euclidean manifolds. In addition, we calculate explicitly the first subleading correction to the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of asymptotically AdS$_4$ black holes in M-theory. We also discuss how to add matter multiplets to the supergravity theory in the presence of four-derivative terms and to generalize some of these results to six- and higher-derivative supergravity.