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On sampling and interpolation by model sets

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 Added by Christoph Richard
 Publication date 2018
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We refine a result of Matei and Meyer on stable sampling and stable interpolation for simple model sets. Our setting is model sets in locally compact abelian groups and Fourier analysis of unbounded complex Radon measures as developed by Argabright and de Lamadrid. This leads to a refined version of the underlying model set duality between sampling and interpolation. For rather general model sets, our methods also yield an elementary proof of stable sampling and stable interpolation sufficiently far away from the critical density, which is based on the Poisson Summation Formula.

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It is proven that if an interpolation map between two wavelet sets preserves the union of the sets, then the pair must be an interpolation pair. We also construct an example of a pair of wavelet sets for which the congruence domains of the associated interpolation map and its inverse are equal, and yet the pair is not an interpolation pair. The first result solves affirmatively a problem that the second author had posed several years ago, and the second result solves an intriguing problem of D. Han. The key to this counterexample is a special technical lemma on constructing wavelet sets. Several other applications of this result are also given. In addition, some problems are posed. We also take the opportunity to give some general exposition on wavelet sets and operator-theoretic interpolation of wavelets.
The properties of the compactness of interpolation sets of algebras of generalized analytic functions are investigated and convenient sufficient conditions for interpolation are given.
Let $J$ and $R$ be anti-commuting fundamental symmetries in a Hilbert space $mathfrak{H}$. The operators $J$ and $R$ can be interpreted as basis (generating) elements of the complex Clifford algebra ${mathcal C}l_2(J,R):={span}{I, J, R, iJR}$. An arbitrary non-trivial fundamental symmetry from ${mathcal C}l_2(J,R)$ is determined by the formula $J_{vec{alpha}}=alpha_{1}J+alpha_{2}R+alpha_{3}iJR$, where ${vec{alpha}}inmathbb{S}^2$. Let $S$ be a symmetric operator that commutes with ${mathcal C}l_2(J,R)$. The purpose of this paper is to study the sets $Sigma_{{J_{vec{alpha}}}}$ ($forall{vec{alpha}}inmathbb{S}^2$) of self-adjoint extensions of $S$ in Krein spaces generated by fundamental symmetries ${{J_{vec{alpha}}}}$ (${{J_{vec{alpha}}}}$-self-adjoint extensions). We show that the sets $Sigma_{{J_{vec{alpha}}}}$ and $Sigma_{{J_{vec{beta}}}}$ are unitarily equivalent for different ${vec{alpha}}, {vec{beta}}inmathbb{S}^2$ and describe in detail the structure of operators $AinSigma_{{J_{vec{alpha}}}}$ with empty resolvent set.
In this article, we analyse the Kantorovich type exponential sampling operators and its linear combination. We derive the Voronovskaya type theorem and its quantitative estimates for these operators in terms of an appropriate K-functional. Further, we improve the order of approximation by using the convex type linear combinations of these operators. Subsequently, we prove the estimates concerning the order of convergence for these linear combinations. Finally, we give some examples of kernels along with the graphical representations.
172 - Masatoshi Noumi 2015
We propose a class of Pade interpolation problems whose solutions are expressible in terms of determinants of hypergeometric series.
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