Manifestation of important role of nuclear forces in emission of photons in scattering of pions off nuclei

Abstract in English

Bremsstrahlung of photons emitted during the scattering of $pi^{+}$-mesons off nuclei is studied for the first time. Role of interactions between $pi^{+}$-mesons and nuclei in the formation of the bremsstrahlung emission is analyzed in details. We discover essential contribution of emitted photons from nuclear part of Johnson-Satchler potential to the full spectrum, in contrast to the optical Woods-Saxon potential. We observe unusual essential influence of the nuclear part of both potentials on the spectrum at high photon energies. This phenomenon opens a new experimental way to study and check non-Coulomb and nuclear interactions between pions and nuclei via measurements of the emitted photons. We provide predictions of the bremsstrahlung spectra for pion scattering off $^{44}{rm Ca}$.
