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Every Node Counts: Self-Ensembling Graph Convolutional Networks for Semi-Supervised Learning

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 Added by Yawei Luo
 Publication date 2018
and research's language is English

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Graph convolutional network (GCN) provides a powerful means for graph-based semi-supervised tasks. However, as a localized first-order approximation of spectral graph convolution, the classic GCN can not take full advantage of unlabeled data, especially when the unlabeled node is far from labeled ones. To capitalize on the information from unlabeled nodes to boost the training for GCN, we propose a novel framework named Self-Ensembling GCN (SEGCN), which marries GCN with Mean Teacher - another powerful model in semi-supervised learning. SEGCN contains a student model and a teacher model. As a student, it not only learns to correctly classify the labeled nodes, but also tries to be consistent with the teacher on unlabeled nodes in more challenging situations, such as a high dropout rate and graph collapse. As a teacher, it averages the student model weights and generates more accurate predictions to lead the student. In such a mutual-promoting process, both labeled and unlabeled samples can be fully utilized for backpropagating effective gradients to train GCN. In three article classification tasks, i.e. Citeseer, Cora and Pubmed, we validate that the proposed method matches the state of the arts in the classification accuracy.

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Graph neural networks (GNN) have been ubiquitous in graph learning tasks such as node classification. Most of GNN methods update the node embedding iteratively by aggregating its neighbors information. However, they often suffer from negative disturbance, due to edges connecting nodes with different labels. One approach to alleviate this negative disturbance is to use attention, but current attention always considers feature similarity and suffers from the lack of supervision. In this paper, we consider the label dependency of graph nodes and propose a decoupling attention mechanism to learn both hard and soft attention. The hard attention is learned on labels for a refined graph structure with fewer inter-class edges. Its purpose is to reduce the aggregations negative disturbance. The soft attention is learned on features maximizing the information gain by message passing over better graph structures. Moreover, the learned attention guides the label propagation and the feature propagation. Extensive experiments are performed on five well-known benchmark graph datasets to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Graph convolutional networks (GCNs) have achieved promising performance on various graph-based tasks. However they suffer from over-smoothing when stacking more layers. In this paper, we present a quantitative study on this observation and develop novel insights towards the deeper GCN. First, we interpret the current graph convolutional operations from an optimization perspective and argue that over-smoothing is mainly caused by the naive first-order approximation of the solution to the optimization problem. Subsequently, we introduce two metrics to measure the over-smoothing on node-level tasks. Specifically, we calculate the fraction of the pairwise distance between connected and disconnected nodes to the overall distance respectively. Based on our theoretical and empirical analysis, we establish a universal theoretical framework of GCN from an optimization perspective and derive a novel convolutional kernel named GCN+ which has lower parameter amount while relieving the over-smoothing inherently. Extensive experiments on real-world datasets demonstrate the superior performance of GCN+ over state-of-the-art baseline methods on the node classification tasks.
Graph neural networks (GNNs) achieve remarkable success in graph-based semi-supervised node classification, leveraging the information from neighboring nodes to improve the representation learning of target node. The success of GNNs at node classification depends on the assumption that connected nodes tend to have the same label. However, such an assumption does not always work, limiting the performance of GNNs at node classification. In this paper, we propose label-consistency based graph neural network(LC-GNN), leveraging node pairs unconnected but with the same labels to enlarge the receptive field of nodes in GNNs. Experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate the proposed LC-GNN outperforms traditional GNNs in graph-based semi-supervised node classification.We further show the superiority of LC-GNN in sparse scenarios with only a handful of labeled nodes.
Graph convolutional neural networks~(GCNs) have recently demonstrated promising results on graph-based semi-supervised classification, but little work has been done to explore their theoretical properties. Recently, several deep neural networks, e.g., fully connected and convolutional neural networks, with infinite hidden units have been proved to be equivalent to Gaussian processes~(GPs). To exploit both the powerful representational capacity of GCNs and the great expressive power of GPs, we investigate similar properties of infinitely wide GCNs. More specifically, we propose a GP regression model via GCNs~(GPGC) for graph-based semi-supervised learning. In the process, we formulate the kernel matrix computation of GPGC in an iterative analytical form. Finally, we derive a conditional distribution for the labels of unobserved nodes based on the graph structure, labels for the observed nodes, and the feature matrix of all the nodes. We conduct extensive experiments to evaluate the semi-supervised classification performance of GPGC and demonstrate that it outperforms other state-of-the-art methods by a clear margin on all the datasets while being efficient.
200 - Bingbing Xu , Huawei Shen , Qi Cao 2020
Graph convolutional networks gain remarkable success in semi-supervised learning on graph structured data. The key to graph-based semisupervised learning is capturing the smoothness of labels or features over nodes exerted by graph structure. Previous methods, spectral methods and spatial methods, devote to defining graph convolution as a weighted average over neighboring nodes, and then learn graph convolution kernels to leverage the smoothness to improve the performance of graph-based semi-supervised learning. One open challenge is how to determine appropriate neighborhood that reflects relevant information of smoothness manifested in graph structure. In this paper, we propose GraphHeat, leveraging heat kernel to enhance low-frequency filters and enforce smoothness in the signal variation on the graph. GraphHeat leverages the local structure of target node under heat diffusion to determine its neighboring nodes flexibly, without the constraint of order suffered by previous methods. GraphHeat achieves state-of-the-art results in the task of graph-based semi-supervised classification across three benchmark datasets: Cora, Citeseer and Pubmed.

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