ASAS-SN Identification of FY Sct as a detached eclipsing binary system with a ~2.6 year period

Abstract in English

We report the identification of the bright (V${sim}13.3$ mag) star FY Sct as a long period detached eclipsing binary using a combined ASAS-SN and ASAS light curve spanning 2000-2018. The orbital period is P${sim}2.57$ years and the primary eclipse lasts ${sim}73$ days. The eclipse profile is suggestive of a disk eclipsing binary rather than a stellar component. We also detect ${sim}0.4$ mag pulsations with a period of P${sim78}$ d. The next eclipse begins on September, 28, 2018. Further photometric and spectroscopic observations are encouraged, particularly when the system is in eclipse.
