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Luminosity Function of Faint Sporadic Meteors measured with a Wide-Field CMOS mosaic camera Tomo-e PM

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 Added by Ryou Ohsawa
 Publication date 2018
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Imaging observations of faint meteors were carried out on April 11 and 14, 2016 with a wide-field CMOS mosaic camera, Tomo-e PM, mounted on the 105-cm Schmidt telescope at Kiso Observatory, the University of Tokyo. Tomo-e PM, which is a prototype model of Tomo-e Gozen, can monitor a sky of ${sim}1.98,mathrm{deg^2}$ at 2,Hz. The numbers of detected meteors are 1514 and 706 on April 11 and 14, respectively. The detected meteors are attributed to sporadic meteors. Their absolute magnitudes range from $+4$ to $+10,mathrm{mag}$ in the $V$-band, corresponding to about $8.3{times}10^{-2}$ to $3.3{times}10^{-4},mathrm{g}$ in mass. The present magnitude distributions we obtained are well explained by a single power-law luminosity function with a slope parameter $r = 3.1{pm}0.4$ and a meteor rate $log_{10}N_0 = -5.5{pm}0.5$. The results demonstrate a high performance of telescopic observations with a wide-field video camera to constrain the luminosity function of faint meteors. The performance of Tomo-e Gozen is about two times higher than that of Tomo-e PM. A survey with Tomo-e Gozen will provide a more robust measurement of the luminosity function.

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The solar system is dusty, and would become dustier over time as asteroids collide and comets disintegrate, except that small debris particles in interplanetary space do not last long. They can be ejected from the solar system by Jupiter, thermally destroyed near the Sun, or physically disrupted by collisions. Also, some are swept by the Earth (and other planets), producing meteors. Here we develop a dynamical model for the solar system meteoroids and use it to explain meteor radar observations. We find that the Jupiter Family Comets (JFCs) are the main source of the prominent concentrations of meteors arriving to the Earth from the helion and antihelion directions. To match the radiant and orbit distributions, as measured by the Canadian Meteor Orbit Radar (CMOR) and Advanced Meteor Orbit Radar (AMOR), our model implies that comets, and JFCs in particular, must frequently disintegrate when reaching orbits with low perihelion distance. Also, the collisional lifetimes of millimeter particles may be longer (>10^5 yr at 1 AU) than postulated in the standard collisional models (10^4 yr at 1 AU), perhaps because these chondrule-sized meteoroids are stronger than thought before. Using observations of the Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) to calibrate the model, we find that the total cross section and mass of small meteoroids in the inner solar system are (1.7-3.5)x10^11 km^2 and 4x10^19 g, respectively, in a good agreement with previous studies. The mass input required to keep the Zodiacal Cloud (ZC) in a steady state is estimated to be 10^4-10^5 kg/s. The input is up to 10 times larger than found previously, mainly because particles released closer to the Sun have shorter collisional lifetimes, and need to be supplied at a faster rate.
143 - M.Iye , M.Tanaka , M.Yanagisawa 2007
We report the serendipitous findings of 13 faint meteors and 44 artificial space objects by Subaru SuprimeCam imaging observations during 11-16 August 2004. The meteors, at about 100km altitude, and artificial satellites/debris in orbit, at 500km altitude or higher, were clearly discriminated by their apparent defocused image sizes. CCD photometry of the 13 meteors, including 1 Perseid, 1 Aquarid, and 11 sporadic meteors, was performed. We defined a peak video-rate magnitude by comparing the integrated photon counts from the brightest portion of the track traversed within 33ms to those from a 0-mag star during the same time duration. This definition gives magnitudes in the range 4.0< V_{vr} <6.4 and 4.1< I_{vr}<5.9 for these 13 meteors. The corresponding magnitude for virtual naked-eye observers could be somewhat fainter especially for the V-band observation, in which the [OI] 5577 line lasting about 1 sec as an afterglow could contribute to the integrated flux of the present 5-10 min CCD exposures. Although the spatial resolution is insufficient to resolve the source size of anything smaller than about 1 m, we developed a new estimate of the collisionally excited column diameter of these meteors. A diameter as small as a few mm was derived from their collisionally excited photon rates, meteor speed, and the volume density of the oxygen atoms at the 100km altitude. The actual column diameter of the radiating zone, however, could be as large as few 100m because the excited atoms travel that distance before they emit forbidden lines in 0.7 sec of its average lifetime. Among the 44 artificial space objects, we confirmed that 17 were cataloged satellites/space debris.
145 - T.Sako , T.Sekiguchi , M.Sasaki 2008
We have developed a wide-field mosaic CCD camera, MOA-cam3, mounted at the prime focus of the Microlensing Observations in Astrophysics (MOA) 1.8-m telescope. The camera consists of ten E2V CCD4482 chips, each having 2kx4k pixels, and covers a 2.2 deg^2 field of view with a single exposure. The optical system is well optimized to realize uniform image quality over this wide field. The chips are constantly cooled by a cryocooler at -80C, at which temperature dark current noise is negligible for a typical 1-3 minute exposure. The CCD output charge is converted to a 16-bit digital signal by the GenIII system (Astronomical Research Cameras Inc.) and readout is within 25 seconds. Readout noise of 2--3 ADU (rms) is also negligible. We prepared a wide-band red filter for an effective microlensing survey and also Bessell V, I filters for standard astronomical studies. Microlensing studies have entered into a new era, which requires more statistics, and more rapid alerts to catch exotic light curves. Our new system is a powerful tool to realize both these requirements.
We present visible and near-infrared observations of a near-Earth object (NEO), 2012 $mathrm{TC_4}$. The NEO 2012 $mathrm{TC_4}$ approached close to the Earth at a distance of about 50,000 km in October 2017. This close approach provided a practical exercise for planetary defense. This apparition was also an appropriate opportunity to investigate 2012 $mathrm{TC_4}$, which is a monolithic asteroid citep{Polishook13}. We conducted the observation campaign of 2012 $mathrm{TC_4}$ using six small- and medium-sized telescopes. The multiband photometry analysis showed that the taxonomic class of 2012 $mathrm{TC_4}$ to be an X-type. In particular, we successfully obtained the high time resolution lightcurve of 2012 $mathrm{TC_4}$ with the Tomo-e Gozen camera, which is the worlds first wide-field CMOS camera, mounted on the 1.05 m Schmidt telescope at Kiso Observatory. The shape and rotational motion models of 2012 $mathrm{TC_4}$ were derived from the lightcurve. When 2012 $mathrm{TC_4}$ was assumed to be a triaxial ellipsoid, the rotational and precession periods were 8.47 $pm$ 0.01 min and 12.25 $pm$ 0.01 min, respectively, with the long axis mode. This indicates that 2012 $mathrm{TC_4}$ is a tumbling and monolithic asteroid. The shape models showed that the plausible axial lengths to be 6.2 $times$ 8.0 $times$ 14.9~m or 3.3 $times$ 8.0 $times$ 14.3~m. The flattened and elongated shape indicates that 2012 $mathrm{TC_4}$ is a fragment produced by a impact event. We also estimated the excitation timescale, which implied that the impact event happened within $sim$3 $times$ 10$^{5}$ yr and 2012 $mathrm{TC_4}$ has a fresh surface.
268 - M. Revnivtsev 2011
We study the statistical properties of faint X-ray sources detected in the Chandra Bulge Field. The unprecedented sensitivity of the Chandra observations allows us to probe the population of faint Galactic X-ray sources down to luminosities L(2-10 keV)~1e30 erg/sec at the Galactic Center distance. We show that the luminosity function of these CBF sources agrees well with the luminosity function of sources in the Solar vicinity (Sazonov et al. 2006). The cumulative luminosity density of sources detected in the CBF in the luminosity range 1e30-1e32 erg/sec per unit stellar mass is L(2-10 keV)/M*=(1.7+/-0.3)e27 erg/sec/Msun. Taking into account sources in the luminosity range 1e32-1e34 erg/sec from Sazonov et al. (2006), the cumulative luminosity density in the broad luminosity range 1e30-1e34 erg/sec becomes L(2-10 keV)/M*=(2.4+/-0.4)e27 erg/sec/Msun. The majority of sources with the faintest luminosities should be active binary stars with hot coronae based on the available luminosity function of X-ray sources in the Solar environment.
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