Extension theorems and a connection to the ErdH{o}s-Falconer distance problem over finite fields

Abstract in English

The first purpose of this paper is to provide new finite field extension theorems for paraboloids and spheres. By using the unusual good Fourier transform of the zero sphere in some specific dimensions, which has been discovered recently in the work of Iosevich, Lee, Shen, and the first and second listed authors (2018), we provide a new $L^2to L^r$ extension estimate for paraboloids in dimensions $d=4k+3$ and $qequiv 3mod 4$, which improves significantly the recent exponent obtained by the first listed author. In the case of spheres, we introduce a way of using textit{the first association scheme graph} to analyze energy sets, and as a consequence, we obtain new $L^pto L^4$ extension theorems for spheres of primitive radii in odd dimensions, which break the Stein-Tomas result toward $L^pto L^4$ which has stood for more than ten years. Most significantly, it follows from the results for spheres that there exists a different extension phenomenon between spheres and paraboloids in odd dimensions, namely, the $L^pto L^4$ estimates for spheres with primitive radii are much stronger than those for paraboloids. Based on new estimates, we will also clarify conjectures on finite field extension problem for spheres. This results in a reasonably complete description of finite field extension theorems for spheres. The second purpose is to show that there is a connection between the restriction conjecture associated to paraboloids and the ErdH{o}s-Falconer distance conjecture over finite fields. The last is to prove that the ErdH{o}s-Falconer distance conjecture holds in odd-dimensional spaces when we study distances between two sets: one set lies on a variety (paraboloids or spheres), and the other set is arbitrary in $mathbb{F}_q^d$.
