A programming guide for tensor networks with global $SU(2)$ symmetry

Abstract in English

This paper is a manual with tips and tricks for programming tensor network algorithms with global $SU(2)$ symmetry. We focus on practical details that are many times overlooked when it comes to implementing the basic building blocks of codes, such as useful data structures to store the tensors, practical ways of manipulating them, and so forth. Here we do not restrict ourselves to any specific tensor network method, but keep always in mind that the implementation should scale well for simulations of higher-dimensional systems using, e.g., Projected Entangled Pair States, where tensors with many indices may show up. To this end, the structural tensors (or intertwiners) that arise in the usual decomposition of $SU(2)$-symmetric tensors are never explicitly stored throughout the simulation. Instead, we store and manipulate the corresponding fusion trees - an algebraic specification of the symmetry constraints on the tensor - in order to implement basic $SU(2)$-symmetric tensor operations.
