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Several algorithms with an approximation guarantee of $O(log n)$ are known for the Set Cover problem, where $n$ is the number of elements. We study a generalization of the Set Cover problem, called the Partition Set Cover problem. Here, the elements are partitioned into $r$ emph{color classes}, and we are required to cover at least $k_t$ elements from each color class $mathcal{C}_t$, using the minimum number of sets. We give a randomized LP-rounding algorithm that is an $O(beta + log r)$ approximation for the Partition Set Cover problem. Here $beta$ denotes the approximation guarantee for a related Set Cover instance obtained by rounding the standard LP. As a corollary, we obtain improved approximation guarantees for various set systems for which $beta$ is known to be sublogarithmic in $n$. We also extend the LP rounding algorithm to obtain $O(log r)$ approximations for similar generalizations of the Facility Location type problems. Finally, we show that many of these results are essentially tight, by showing that it is NP-hard to obtain an $o(log r)$-approximation for any of these problems.
We consider the online Min-Sum Set Cover (MSSC), a natural and intriguing generalization of the classical list update problem. In Online MSSC, the algorithm maintains a permutation on $n$ elements based on subsets $S_1, S_2, ldots$ arriving online. The algorithm serves each set $S_t$ upon arrival, using its current permutation $pi_{t}$, incurring an access cost equal to the position of the first element of $S_t$ in $pi_{t}$. Then, the algorithm may update its permutation to $pi_{t+1}$, incurring a moving cost equal to the Kendall tau distance of $pi_{t}$ to $pi_{t+1}$. The objective is to minimize the total access and moving cost for serving the entire sequence. We consider the $r$-uniform version, where each $S_t$ has cardinality $r$. List update is the special case where $r = 1$. We obtain tight bounds on the competitive ratio of deterministic online algorithms for MSSC against a static adversary, that serves the entire sequence by a single permutation. First, we show a lower bound of $(r+1)(1-frac{r}{n+1})$ on the competitive ratio. Then, we consider several natural generalizations of successful list update algorithms and show that they fail to achieve any interesting competitive guarantee. On the positive side, we obtain a $O(r)$-competitive deterministic algorithm using ideas from online learning and the multiplicative weight updates (MWU) algorithm. Furthermore, we consider efficient algorithms. We propose a memoryless online algorithm, called Move-All-Equally, which is inspired by the Double Coverage algorithm for the $k$-server problem. We show that its competitive ratio is $Omega(r^2)$ and $2^{O(sqrt{log n cdot log r})}$, and conjecture that it is $f(r)$-competitive. We also compare Move-All-Equally against the dynamic optimal solution and obtain (almost) tight bounds by showing that it is $Omega(r sqrt{n})$ and $O(r^{3/2} sqrt{n})$-competitive.
We present a packing-based approximation algorithm for the $k$-Set Cover problem. We introduce a new local search-based $k$-set packing heuristic, and call it Restricted $k$-Set Packing. We analyze its tight approximation ratio via a complicated combinatorial argument. Equipped with the Restricted $k$-Set Packing algorithm, our $k$-Set Cover algorithm is composed of the $k$-Set Packing heuristic cite{schrijver} for $kgeq 7$, Restricted $k$-Set Packing for $k=6,5,4$ and the semi-local $(2,1)$-improvement cite{furer} for 3-Set Cover. We show that our algorithm obtains a tight approximation ratio of $H_k-0.6402+Theta(frac{1}{k})$, where $H_k$ is the $k$-th harmonic number. For small $k$, our results are 1.8667 for $k=6$, 1.7333 for $k=5$ and 1.5208 for $k=4$. Our algorithm improves the currently best approximation ratio for the $k$-Set Cover problem of any $kgeq 4$.
We investigate the polynomial-time approximability of the multistage version of Min-Sum Set Cover ($mathrm{DSSC}$), a natural and intriguing generalization of the classical List Update problem. In $mathrm{DSSC}$, we maintain a sequence of permutations $(pi^0, pi^1, ldots, pi^T)$ on $n$ elements, based on a sequence of requests $(R^1, ldots, R^T)$. We aim to minimize the total cost of updating $pi^{t-1}$ to $pi^{t}$, quantified by the Kendall tau distance $mathrm{D}_{mathrm{KT}}(pi^{t-1}, pi^t)$, plus the total cost of covering each request $R^t$ with the current permutation $pi^t$, quantified by the position of the first element of $R^t$ in $pi^t$. Using a reduction from Set Cover, we show that $mathrm{DSSC}$ does not admit an $O(1)$-approximation, unless $mathrm{P} = mathrm{NP}$, and that any $o(log n)$ (resp. $o(r)$) approximation to $mathrm{DSSC}$ implies a sublogarithmic (resp. $o(r)$) approximation to Set Cover (resp. where each element appears at most $r$ times). Our main technical contribution is to show that $mathrm{DSSC}$ can be approximated in polynomial-time within a factor of $O(log^2 n)$ in general instances, by randomized rounding, and within a factor of $O(r^2)$, if all requests have cardinality at most $r$, by deterministic rounding.
We study the classic set cover problem from the perspective of sub-linear algorithms. Given access to a collection of $m$ sets over $n$ elements in the query model, we show that sub-linear algorithms derived from existing techniques have almost tight query complexities. On one hand, first we show an adaptation of the streaming algorithm presented in Har-Peled et al. [2016] to the sub-linear query model, that returns an $alpha$-approximate cover using $tilde{O}(m(n/k)^{1/(alpha-1)} + nk)$ queries to the input, where $k$ denotes the value of a minimum set cover. We then complement this upper bound by proving that for lower values of $k$, the required number of queries is $tilde{Omega}(m(n/k)^{1/(2alpha)})$, even for estimating the optimal cover size. Moreover, we prove that even checking whether a given collection of sets covers all the elements would require $Omega(nk)$ queries. These two lower bounds provide strong evidence that the upper bound is almost tight for certain values of the parameter $k$. On the other hand, we show that this bound is not optimal for larger values of the parameter $k$, as there exists a $(1+varepsilon)$-approximation algorithm with $tilde{O}(mn/kvarepsilon^2)$ queries. We show that this bound is essentially tight for sufficiently small constant $varepsilon$, by establishing a lower bound of $tilde{Omega}(mn/k)$ query complexity.
We carry out a systematic study of a natural covering problem, used for identification across several areas, in the realm of parameterized complexity. In the {sc Test Cover} problem we are given a set $[n]={1,...,n}$ of items together with a collection, $cal T$, of distinct subsets of these items called tests. We assume that $cal T$ is a test cover, i.e., for each pair of items there is a test in $cal T$ containing exactly one of these items. The objective is to find a minimum size subcollection of $cal T$, which is still a test cover. The generic parameterized version of {sc Test Cover} is denoted by $p(k,n,|{cal T}|)$-{sc Test Cover}. Here, we are given $([n],cal{T})$ and a positive integer parameter $k$ as input and the objective is to decide whether there is a test cover of size at most $p(k,n,|{cal T}|)$. We study four parameterizations for {sc Test Cover} and obtain the following: (a) $k$-{sc Test Cover}, and $(n-k)$-{sc Test Cover} are fixed-parameter tractable (FPT). (b) $(|{cal T}|-k)$-{sc Test Cover} and $(log n+k)$-{sc Test Cover} are W[1]-hard. Thus, it is unlikely that these problems are FPT.