Magnetic susceptibility of quantum spin systems calculated by sine square deformation: one-dimensional, square lattice, and kagome lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnets

Abstract in English

We develop a simple and unbiased numerical method to obtain the uniform susceptibility of quantum many body systems. When a Hamiltonian is spatially deformed by multiplying it with a sine square function that smoothly decreases from the system center toward the edges, the size-scaling law of the excitation energy is drastically transformed to a rapidly converging one. Then, the local magnetization at the system center becomes nearly size independent; the one obtained for the deformed Hamiltonian of a system length as small as L=10 provides the value obtained for the original uniform Hamiltonian of L=100. This allows us to evaluate a bulk magnetic susceptibility by using the magnetization at the center by existing numerical solvers without any approximation, parameter tuning, or the size-scaling analysis. We demonstrate that the susceptibilities of the spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain and square lattice obtained by our scheme at L=10 agree within 10 to (-3) with exact analytical and numerical solutions for L=infinite down to temperature of 0.1 times the coupling constant. We apply this method to the spin-1/2 kagome lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnet which is of prime interest in the search of spin liquids.
