Joint Embedding of Meta-Path and Meta-Graph for Heterogeneous Information Networks

Abstract in English

Meta-graph is currently the most powerful tool for similarity search on heterogeneous information networks,where a meta-graph is a composition of meta-paths that captures the complex structural information. However, current relevance computing based on meta-graph only considers the complex structural information, but ignores its embedded meta-paths information. To address this problem, we proposeMEta-GrAph-based network embedding models, called MEGA and MEGA++, respectively. The MEGA model uses normalized relevance or similarity measures that are derived from a meta-graph and its embedded meta-paths between nodes simultaneously, and then leverages tensor decomposition method to perform node embedding. The MEGA++ further facilitates the use of coupled tensor-matrix decomposition method to obtain a joint embedding for nodes, which simultaneously considers the hidden relations of all meta information of a meta-graph.Extensive experiments on two real datasets demonstrate thatMEGA and MEGA++ are more effective than state-of-the-art approaches.
