On scattering for the defocusing quintic nonlinear Schrodinger equation on the two-dimensional cylinder

Abstract in English

In this article, we prove the scattering for the quintic defocusing nonlinear Schrodinger equation on cylinder $mathbb{R} times mathbb{T}$ in $H^1$. We establish an abstract linear profile decomposition in $L^2_x h^alpha$, $0 < alpha le 1$, motivated by the linear profile decomposition of the mass-critical Schrodinger equation in $L^2(mathbb{R}^d )$, $dge 1$. Then by using the solution of the one-discrete-component quintic resonant nonlinear Schrodinger system, whose scattering can be proved by using the techniques in $1d$ mass critical NLS problem by B. Dodson, to approximate the nonlinear profile, we can prove scattering in $H^1$ by using the concentration-compactness/rigidity method. As a byproduct of our proof of the scattering of the one-discrete-component quintic resonant nonlinear Schrodinger system, we also prove the conjecture of the global well-posedness and scattering of the two-discrete-component quintic resonant nonlinear Schrodinger system made by Z. Hani and B. Pausader [Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 67 (2014)].
