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We report a transition from asynchronous to oscillatory behaviour in balanced inhibitory networks for class I and II neurons with instantaneous synapses. Collective oscillations emerge for sufficiently connected networks. Their origin is understood in terms of a recently developed mean-field model, whose stable solution is a focus. Microscopic irregular firings, due to balance, trigger sustained oscillations by exciting the relaxation dynamics towards the macroscopic focus. The same mechanism induces in balanced excitatory-inhibitory networks quasi-periodic collective oscillations.
Characterizing the in uence of network properties on the global emerging behavior of interacting elements constitutes a central question in many areas, from physical to social sciences. In this article we study a primary model of disordered neuronal networks with excitatory-inhibitory structure and balance constraints. We show how the interplay between structure and disorder in the connectivity leads to a universal transition from trivial to synchronized stationary or periodic states. This transition cannot be explained only through the analysis of the spectral density of the connectivity matrix. We provide a low dimensional approximation that shows the role of both the structure and disorder in the dynamics.
Motivated by the celebrated discrete-time model of nervous activity outlined by McCulloch and Pitts in 1943, we propose a novel continuous-time model, the McCulloch-Pitts network (MPN), for sequence learning in spiking neural networks. Our model has a local learning rule, such that the synaptic weight updates depend only on the information directly accessible by the synapse. By exploiting asymmetry in the connections between binary neurons, we show that MPN can be trained to robustly memorize multiple spatiotemporal patterns of binary vectors, generalizing the ability of the symmetric Hopfield network to memorize static spatial patterns. In addition, we demonstrate that the model can efficiently learn sequences of binary pictures as well as generative models for experimental neural spike-train data. Our learning rule is consistent with spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP), thus providing a theoretical ground for the systematic design of biologically inspired networks with large and robust long-range sequence storage capacity.
We study a network of spiking neurons with heterogeneous excitabilities connected via inhibitory delayed pulses. For globally coupled systems the increase of the inhibitory coupling reduces the number of firing neurons by following a Winner Takes All mechanism. For sufficiently large transmission delay we observe the emergence of collective oscillations in the system beyond a critical coupling value. Heterogeneity promotes neural inactivation and asynchronous dynamics and its effect can be counteracted by considering longer time delays. In sparse networks, inhibition has the counterintuitive effect of promoting neural reactivation of silent neurons for sufficiently large coupling. In this regime, current fluctuations are on one side responsible for neural firing of sub-threshold neurons and on the other side for their desynchronization. Therefore, collective oscillations are present only in a limited range of coupling values, which remains finite in the thermodynamic limit. Out of this range the dynamics is asynchronous and for very large inhibition neurons display a bursting behaviour alternating periods of silence with periods where they fire freely in absence of any inhibition.
We consider the generalization problem for a perceptron with binary synapses, implementing the Stochastic Belief-Propagation-Inspired (SBPI) learning algorithm which we proposed earlier, and perform a mean-field calculation to obtain a differential equation which describes the behaviour of the device in the limit of a large number of synapses N. We show that the solving time of SBPI is of order N*sqrt(log(N)), while the similar, well-known clipped perceptron (CP) algorithm does not converge to a solution at all in the time frame we considered. The analysis gives some insight into the ongoing process and shows that, in this context, the SBPI algorithm is equivalent to a new, simpler algorithm, which only differs from the CP algorithm by the addition of a stochastic, unsupervised meta-plastic reinforcement process, whose rate of application must be less than sqrt(2/(pi * N)) for the learning to be achieved effectively. The analytical results are confirmed by simulations.
We introduce a model of generalized Hebbian learning and retrieval in oscillatory neural networks modeling cortical areas such as hippocampus and olfactory cortex. Recent experiments have shown that synaptic plasticity depends on spike timing, especially on synapses from excitatory pyramidal cells, in hippocampus and in sensory and cerebellar cortex. Here we study how such plasticity can be used to form memories and input representations when the neural dynamics are oscillatory, as is common in the brain (particularly in the hippocampus and olfactory cortex). Learning is assumed to occur in a phase of neural plasticity, in which the network is clamped to external teaching signals. By suitable manipulation of the nonlinearity of the neurons or of the oscillation frequencies during learning, the model can be made, in a retrieval phase, either to categorize new inputs or to map them, in a continuous fashion, onto the space spanned by the imprinted patterns. We identify the first of these possibilities with the function of olfactory cortex and the second with the observed response characteristics of place cells in hippocampus. We investigate both kinds of networks analytically and by computer simulations, and we link the models with experimental findings, exploring, in particular, how the spike timing dependence of the synaptic plasticity constrains the computational function of the network and vice versa.