A unique distant submillimeter galaxy with an X-ray-obscured radio-luminous active galactic nucleus

Abstract in English

We present a multiwavelength study of an atypical submillimeter galaxy in the GOODS-North field, with the aim to understand its physical properties of stellar and dust emission, as well as the central AGN activity. Although it is shown that the source is likely an extremely dusty galaxy at high redshift, its exact position of submillimeter emission is unknown. With the new NOEMA interferometric imaging, we confirm that the source is a unique dusty galaxy. It has no obvious counterpart in the optical and even NIR images observed with HST at lambda~<1.4um. Photometric-redshift analyses from both stellar and dust SED suggest it to likely be at z~>4, though a lower redshift at z~>3.1 cannot be fully ruled out (at 90% confidence interval). Explaining its unusual optical-to-NIR properties requires an old stellar population (~0.67 Gyr), coexisting with a very dusty ongoing starburst component. The latter is contributing to the FIR emission, with its rest-frame UV and optical light being largely obscured along our line of sight. If the observed fluxes at the rest-frame optical/NIR wavelengths were mainly contributed by old stars, a total stellar mass of ~3.5x10^11Msun would be obtained. An X-ray spectral analysis suggests that this galaxy harbors a heavily obscured AGN with N_H=3.3x10^23 cm^-2 and an intrinsic 2-10 keV luminosity of L_X~2.6x10^44 erg/s, which places this object among distant type 2 quasars. The radio emission of the source is extremely bright, which is an order of magnitude higher than the star-formation-powered emission, making it one of the most distant radio-luminous dusty galaxies. The combined characteristics of the galaxy suggest that the source appears to have been caught in a rare but critical transition stage in the evolution of submillimeter galaxies, where we are witnessing the birth of a young AGN and possibly the earliest stage of its jet formation and feedback.
