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Discrete flavor symmetry is often introduced for explaining quark/lepton masses and mixings. However, its spontaneous breaking leads to the appearance of domain walls, which is problematic for cosmology. We consider a possibility that the discrete flavor symmetry is anomalous under the color SU(3) so that it splits the energy levels of degenerate discrete vacua as a solution to the domain wall problem. We find that in most known models of flavor symmetry, the QCD anomaly effect can only partially remove the degeneracy and there still remain degenerate vacua.
In this letter we propose a multi-Higgs extension of the standard model with Abelian and non-Abelian discrete symmetries in which the mass matrices of the charged fermions obtained from renormalizable interactions are diagonal. Corrections induced by non-renormalizable interactions deviate these matrices from the diagonal form. Active neutrinos acquire mass only from non-renormalizable interactions. The main entries of the neutrino mass matrix arise only through dimension five operators, while the diagonal entries arise only from dimension six operators.
We present results for the dependence of the residual mass of domain wall fermions (DWF) on the size of the fifth dimension and its relation to the density and localization properties of low-lying eigenvectors of the corresponding hermitian Wilson Dirac operator relevant to simulations of 2+1 flavor domain wall QCD. Using the DBW2 and Iwasaki gauge actions, we generate ensembles of configurations with a $16^3times 32$ space-time volume and an extent of 8 in the fifth dimension for the sea quarks. We demonstrate the existence of a regime where the degree of locality, the size of chiral symmetry breaking and the rate of topology change can be acceptable for inverse lattice spacings $a^{-1} ge 1.6$ GeV.
We show that in a large class of models based on anomalous U(1) symmetry which addresses the fermion mass hierarchy problem, leptonic flavor changing processes are induced that are in the experimentally interesting range. The flavor violation occurs through the renormalization group evolution of the soft SUSY breaking parameters between the string scale and the U(1)_A breaking scale. We derive general expressions for the evolution of these parameters in the presence of higher dimensional operators. Several sources for the flavor violation are identified: flavor-dependent contributions to the soft masses from the U(1)_A gaugino, scalar mass corrections proportional to the trace of U(1)_A charge, non-proportional A-terms from vertex corrections, and the U(1)_A D-term. Quantitative estimates for the decays mu -> e gamma and tau -> mu gamma are presented in supergravity models which accommodate the relic abundance of neutralino dark matter.
We investigate a gauge theory realization of non-Abelian discrete flavor symmetries and apply the gauge enhancement mechanism in heterotic orbifold models to field-theoretical model building. Several phenomenologically interesting non-Abelian discrete symmetries are realized effectively from a $U(1)$ gauge theory with a permutation symmetry. We also construct a concrete model for the lepton sector based on a $U(1)^2 rtimes S_3$ symmetry.
We propose a simple mechanism for stabilizing flavon fields with aligned vacuum structure in models with discrete flavor symmetry. The basic idea is that flavons are stabilized by the balance between the negative soft mass and non-renormalizable terms in the potential. We explicitly discuss how our mechanism works in $A_4$ flavor model, and show that the field content is significantly simplified. It also works as a natural solution to the cosmological domain wall problem.