Extensions of tensor categories by finite group fusion categories

Abstract in English

We study exact sequences of finite tensor categories of the form $Rep G to C to D$, where $G$ is a finite group. We show that, under suitable assumptions, there exists a group $Gamma$ and mutual actions by permutations $rhd: Gamma times G to G$ and $lhd: Gamma times G to Gamma$ that make $(G, Gamma)$ into matched pair of groups endowed with a natural crossed action on $D$ such that $C$ is equivalent to a certain associated crossed extension $D^{(G, Gamma)}$ of $D$. Dually, we show that an exact sequence of finite tensor categories $vect_G to C to D$ induces an $Aut(G)$-grading on $C$ whose neutral homogeneous component is a $(Z(G), Gamma)$-crossed extension of a tensor subcategory of $D$. As an application we prove that such extensions $C$ of $D$ are weakly group-theoretical fusion categories if and only if $D$ is a weakly group-theoretical fusion category. In particular, we conclude that every semisolvable semisimple Hopf algebra is weakly group-theoretical.
