Geometries of edge and mixed dislocations in bcc Fe from first principles calculations

Abstract in English

We use DFT to compute core structures of $a_0[100](010)$ edge, $a_0[100](011)$ edge, $a_0/2[bar{1}bar{1}1](1bar{1}0)$ edge, and $a_0/2[111](1bar{1}0)$ $71^{circ}$ mixed dislocations in bcc Fe. The calculations use flexible boundary conditions (FBC), which allow dislocations to relax as isolated defects by coupling the core to an infinite harmonic lattice through the lattice Green function (LGF). We use LGFs of dislocated geometries in contrast to previous FBC-based dislocation calculations that use the bulk crystal LGF. Dislocation LGFs account for changes in topology in the core as well as strain throughout the lattice. A bulk-like approximation for the force constants in a dislocated geometry leads to LGFs that optimize the cores of the $a_0[100](010)$ edge, $a_0[100](011)$ edge, and $a_0/2[111](1bar{1}0)$ $71^{circ}$ mixed dislocations. This approximation fails for the $a_0/2[bar{1}bar{1}1](1bar{1}0)$ dislocation, so here we derive the LGF using accurate force constants from a Gaussian approximation potential. The standard deviations of dislocation Nye tensor distributions quantify the widths of the cores. The relaxed cores are compact, and the magnetic moments on the Fe atoms closely follow the volumetric strain distributions in the cores. We also compute the core structures of these dislocations using eight different classical interatomic potentials, and quantify symmetry differences between the cores using the Fourier coefficients of their Nye tensor distributions. Most of the core structures computed using the classical potentials agree well with DFT results. The DFT geometries provide benchmarking for classical potential studies of work-hardening, as well as substitutional and interstitial sites for computing solute-dislocation interactions that serve as inputs for mesoscale models of solute strengthening and solute diffusion near dislocations.
