Fully Decentralized Massive MIMO Detection Based on Recursive Methods

Abstract in English

Algorithms for Massive MIMO uplink detection typically rely on a centralized approach, by which baseband data from all antennas modules are routed to a central node in order to be processed. In case of Massive MIMO, where hundreds or thousands of antennas are expected in the base-station, this architecture leads to a bottleneck, with critical limitations in terms of interconnection bandwidth requirements. This paper presents a fully decentralized architecture and algorithms for Massive MIMO uplink based on recursive methods, which do not require a central node for the detection process. Through a recursive approach and very low complexity operations, the proposed algorithms provide a sequence of estimates that converge asymptotically to the zero-forcing solution, without the need of specific hardware for matrix inversion. The proposed solution achieves significantly lower interconnection data-rate than other architectures, enabling future scalability.
