On $p_g$-ideals

Abstract in English

Let $(A,mathfrak{m})$ be an excellent normal domain of dimension two. We define an $mathfrak{m}$-primary ideal $I$ to be a $p_g$-ideal if the Rees algebra $A[It]$ is a Cohen-Macaulay normal domain. When $A$ contains an algebraically closed field $k cong A/mathfrak{m}$ then Okuma, Watanabe and Yoshida proved that $A$ has $p_g$-ideals and furthermore product of two $p_g$-ideals is a $p_g$ ideal. In this article we show that if $A$ is an excellent normal domain of dimension two containing a field $k cong A/mathfrak{m}$ of characteristic zero then also $A$ has $p_g$-ideals. Furthermore product of two $p_g$-ideals is $p_g$.
