We report results on the proton mass decomposition and also on related quark and glue momentum fractions. The results are based on overlap valence fermions on four ensembles of $N_f = 2+1$ DWF configurations with three lattice spacings and three volumes, and several pion masses including the physical pion mass. With fully non-perturbative renormalization (and universal normalization on both quark and gluon), we find that the quark energy and glue field energy contribute 33(4)(4)% and 37(5)(4)% respectively in the $overline{MS}$ scheme at $mu = 2$ GeV. A quarter of the trace anomaly gives a 23(1)(1)% contribution to the proton mass based on the sum rule, given 9(2)(1)% contribution from the $u, d,$ and $s$ quark scalar condensates. The $u,d,s$ and glue momentum fractions in the $overline{MS}$ scheme are in good agreement with global analyses at $mu = 2$ GeV.