SMASH -- A new hadronic transport approach

Abstract in English

Microscopic transport approaches are the tool to describe the non-equilibrium evolution in low energy collisions as well as in the late dilute stages of high-energy collisions. Here, a newly developed hadronic transport approach, SMASH (Simulating Many Accelerated Strongly-interacting Hadrons) is introduced. The overall bulk dynamics in low energy heavy ion collisions is shown including the excitation function of elliptic flow employing several equations of state. The implications of this new approach for dilepton production are discussed and preliminary results for afterburner calculations at the highest RHIC energy are presented and compared to previous UrQMD results. A detailed understanding of a hadron gas with vacuum properties is required to establish the baseline for the exploration of the transition to the quark-gluon plasma in heavy ion collisions at high net baryon densities.
