Quantum electromechanics of a hypersonic crystal

Abstract in English

Radiation pressure within engineered structures has recently been used to couple the motion of nanomechanical objects with high sensitivity to optical and microwave electromagnetic fields. Here, we demonstrate a form of electromechanical crystal for coupling microwave photons and hypersonic phonons by embedding the vacuum-gap capacitor of a superconducting resonator within a phononic crystal acoustic cavity. Utilizing a two-photon resonance condition for efficient microwave pumping and a phononic bandgap shield to eliminate acoustic radiation, we demonstrate large cooperative coupling ($C approx 30$) between a pair of electrical resonances at $10$GHz and an acoustic resonance at $0.425$GHz. Electrical read-out of the phonon occupancy shows that the hypersonic acoustic mode has an intrinsic energy decay time of $2.3$ms and thermalizes close to its quantum ground-state of motion (occupancy $1.5$) at a fridge temperature of $10$mK. Such an electromechanical transducer is envisioned as part of a hybrid quantum circuit architecture, capable of interfacing to both superconducting qubits and optical photons.
