One-dimensional quasicrystals with power-law hopping

Abstract in English

One-dimensional quasi-periodic systems with power-law hopping, $1/r^a$, differ from both the standard Aubry-Azbel-Harper (AAH) model and from power-law systems with uncorrelated disorder. Whereas in the AAH model all single-particle states undergo a transition from ergodic to localized at a critical quasi-disorder strength, short-range power-law hops with $a>1$ can result in mobility edges. Interestingly, there is no localization for long-range hops with $aleq 1$, in contrast to the case of uncorrelated disorder. Systems with long-range hops are rather characterized by ergodic-to-multifractal edges and a phase transition from ergodic to multifractal (extended but non ergodic) states. We show that both mobility and ergodic-to-multifractal edges may be clearly revealed in experiments on expansion dynamics.
