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Quantitative uniqueness properties for $L^2$ functions with fast decaying, or sparsely supported, Fourier transform

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 Added by Benjamin Jaye
 Publication date 2018
and research's language is English

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This paper builds upon two key principles behind the Bourgain-Dyatlov quantitative uniqueness theorem for functions with Fourier transform supported in an Ahlfors regular set. We first provide a characterization of when a quantitative uniqueness theorem holds for functions with very quickly decaying Fourier transform, thereby providing an extension of the classical Paneah-Logvinenko-Sereda theorem. Secondly, we derive a transference result which converts a quantitative uniqueness theorem for functions with fast decaying Fourier transform to one for functions with Fourier transform supported on a fractal set. As well as recovering the result of Bourgain-Dyatlov, we obtain analogous uniqueness results for denser fractals.

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It is well-known that entire functions whose spectrum belongs to a fixed bounded set $S$ admit real uniformly discrete uniqueness sets $Lambda$. We show that the same is true for much wider spaces of continuous functions. In particular, Sobolev spaces have this property whenever $S$ is a set of infinite measure having periodic gaps. The periodicity condition is crucial. For sets $S$ with randomly distributed gaps, we show that the uniformly discrete sets $Lambda$ satisfy a strong non-uniqueness property: Every discrete function $c(lambda)in l^2(Lambda)$ can be interpolated by an analytic $L^2$-function with spectrum in $S$.
253 - Max Tegmark 2009
We propose an all-digital telescope for 21 cm tomography, which combines key advantages of both single dishes and interferometers. The electric field is digitized by antennas on a rectangular grid, after which a series of Fast Fourier Transforms recovers simultaneous multifrequency images of up to half the sky. Thanks to Moores law, the bandwidth up to which this is feasible has now reached about 1 GHz, and will likely continue doubling every couple of years. The main advantages over a single dish telescope are cost and orders of magnitude larger field-of-view, translating into dramatically better sensitivity for large-area surveys. The key advantages over traditional interferometers are cost (the correlator computational cost for an N-element array scales as N log N rather than N^2) and a compact synthesized beam. We argue that 21 cm tomography could be an ideal first application of a very large Fast Fourier Transform Telescope, which would provide both massive sensitivity improvements per dollar and mitigate the off-beam point source foreground problem with its clean beam. Another potentially interesting application is cosmic microwave background polarization.
The Replica Fourier Transform is the generalization of the discrete Fourier Transform to quantities defined on an ultrametric tree. It finds use in con- junction of the replica method used to study thermodynamics properties of disordered systems such as spin glasses. Its definition is presented in a system- atic and simple form and its use illustrated with some representative examples. In particular we give a detailed discussion of the diagonalization in the Replica Fourier Space of the Hessian matrix of the Gaussian fluctuations about the mean field saddle point of spin glass theory. The general results are finally discussed for a generic spherical spin glass model, where the Hessian can be computed analytically.
139 - Alex Iosevich , Doowon Koh 2008
We study the restriction of the Fourier transform to quadratic surfaces in vector spaces over finite fields. In two dimensions, we obtain the sharp result by considering the sums of arbitrary two elements in the subset of quadratic surfaces on two dimensional vector spaces over finite fields. For higher dimensions, we estimate the decay of the Fourier transform of the characteristic functions on quadratic surfaces so that we obtain the Tomas-Stein exponent. Using incidence theorems, we also study the extension theorems in the restricted settings to sizes of sets in quadratic surfaces. Estimates for Gauss and Kloosterman sums and their variants play an important role.
The aim of the article is to prove $L^{p}-L^{q}$ off-diagonal estimates and $L^{p}-L^{q}$ boundedness for operators in the functional calculus of certain perturbed first order differential operators of Dirac type for with $ple q$ in a certain range of exponents. We describe the $L^{p}-L^{q}$ off-diagonal estimates and the $L^{p}-L^{q}$ boundedness in terms of the decay properties of the related holomorphic functions and give a necessary condition for $L^{p}-L^{q}$ boundedness. Applications to Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev estimates for fractional operators will be given.
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