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Influence Factors of the Evaporation Rate of a Solar Steam Generation System: a Numerical Study

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 Added by Congliang Huang
 Publication date 2018
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Many efforts have been dedicated to improve the solar steam generation by using a bi-layer structure. In this paper, a two-dimensional mathematical model describing the water evaporation in a bi-layer structure is firstly established and then the finite element method is used to simulate the effects of different influence factors on the evaporation rate. Results turn out that: besides the high solar energy absorptivity of the first-layer, an optimum porosity of the second-layer porous material should be applied and the optimum porosity is about 0.45 in this work. This optimum porosity is determined by the balance between the positive effect of the lowering effective thermal conductivity of the second layer and the negative effect of the reduced vapor diffusivity in the second layer when the porosity is decreased. The influence of the thermal conductivity of the second-layer porous material is negligible because the effective thermal conductivity of the second layer is determined by the porosity while a larger porosity means more water in the second layer. The ambient air velocity could greatly enhance the evaporation rate, and the evaporation rate will decrease linearly with the increase of the air relative humidity. This study is expected to supply some information for developing a more effective bi-layer solar steam generation system.

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The bi-layered structure has drawn a wide interest due to its good performance in solar steam generation. In this work, we firstly develop a calculation model which could give a good prediction of experimental results. Then, this model is applied to numerically study the effects of the depth of the liquid water, the temperature of the ambient air, the temperature of the liquid water, the porosity and the thermal conductivity of the second-layer porous material on the evaporation efficiency. Results show that when the depth of the liquid water is large enough, the thermal insulation at the bottom of the liquid water is not needed. There is a linear dependence of the evaporation efficiency on the temperature of the ambient air or/and the temperature of the liquid water, and an equation has been given to describe this phenomenon in the text. Compared to the temperature of the ambient air, the temperature of the liquid water could have a much larger effect on the evaporation efficiency. The effective thermal conductivity of the second layer, which could impose important effect on the evaporation efficiency, mainly depends on the porosity rather than the thermal conductivity of the second-layer porous material. Thus, we do not need to take into consideration of the thermal conductivity when selecting second-layer materials. This study is expected to provide some information for designing a high-evaporation-performance bi-layered system.
Solar-driven interfacial steam generation for desalination has attracted broad attention. However, a significant challenge still remains for achieving a higher evaporation rate and high water quality, together with a cost-effective and easy-to-manufacture device to provide a feasible solar-driven steam generation system. In this study, a novel ultra-black paint, Black 3.0, serving as a perfect solar absorber is introduced into the hot-pressed melamine foam networks, allowing us to construct an ultra-black (99% absorptance in the solar region) and self-floating evaporation device. The high performing features of effective solar absorptance and salt-rejection capability contribute to a high-to-date evaporation rate of freshwater at 2.48 kg m-2 h-1 under one sun (1 kW m-2). This interfacial solar evaporator has a daily drinkable water yield of 2.8 kg m-2 even in cloudy winter weather and maintains stability in water with a wide range of acidity and alkalinity (pH 1~14). These features will enable the construction of a facilely fabricated, robust, highly-efficient, and cost-effective solar steam generation system for freshwater production.
We have studied the chromospheric evaporation flow during the impulsive phase of the flare by using the Hinode/EIS observation and 1D hydrodynamic numerical simulation coupled to the time-dependent ionization. The observation clearly shows that the strong redshift can be observed at the base of the flaring loop only during the impulsive phase. We performed two different numerical simulations to reproduce the strong downflows in FeXII and FeXV during the impulsive phase. By changing the thermal conduction coefficient, we carried out the numerical calculation of chromospheric evaporation in the thermal conduction dominant regime (conductivity coefficient kappa0 = classical value) and the enthalpy flux dominant regime (kappa0 = 0.1 x classical value). The chromospheric evaporation calculation in the enthalpy flux dominant regime could reproduce the strong redshift at the base of the flare during the impulsive phase. This result might indicate that the thermal conduction can be strongly suppressed in some cases of flare. We also find that time-dependent ionization effect is importance to reproduce the strong downflows in Fe XII and Fe XV.
86 - S. Oviedo-Casado , A. Urbina , 2017
Charge transfer in polymer devices represents a crucial, though highly inaccessible stage of photocurrent generation. In this article we propose studying the properties and behaviour of organic solar cells through the modification of photocurrent generation when an external magnetic field is applied. By allowing the parameters of our theoretical model not to be constrained to any specific material, we are able to show that not only a modest external magnetic field leads to a significant increase in photocurrent intensity, but also how such magnetic field can be used to study in detail the energy levels and transition rates within the polymer compound. Systematic exploration of key properties in organic composites thus can lead to highly optimised devices in which a magnetic field produces an enhancement in the efficiency of polymer solar cells.
High-temperature electrolysis (HTE) is a promising technology for achieving high-efficiency power-to-gas, which mitigates the renewable curtailment by transforming wind or solar energy into fuels. Different from low-temperature electrolysis, a considerable amount of the input energy is consumed by auxiliaries in an HTE system for maintaining the temperature, so the studies on systematic description and parameter optimization of HTE are essentially required. A few published studies investigated HTEs systematic optimization based on simulation, yet there is not a commonly used analytical optimization model which is more suitable for integration with power grid. To fill in this blank, a concise analytical operation model is proposed in this paper to coordinate the necessary power consumptions of auxiliaries under various loading conditions of an HTE system. First, this paper develops a comprehensive energy flow model for an HTE system based on the fundamentals extracted from the existing work, providing a quantitative description of the impacts of condition parameters, including the temperature and the feedstock flow rates. A concise operation model is then analytically proposed to search for the optimal operating states that maximize the hydrogen yield while meeting the desired system loading power by coordinating the temperature, the feedstock flows and the electrolysis current. The evaluation of system performance and the consideration of constraints caused by energy balances and necessary stack requirements are both included. In addition, analytical optimality conditions are obtained to locate the optimal states without performing nonlinear programming by further investigating the optimization method. A numerical case of an HTE system is employed to validate the proposed operation model, which proves to not only improve the conversion efficiency but also enlarge the system load range.
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