Kyotos Event-Driven X-ray Astronomy SOI pixel sensor for the FORCE mission

Abstract in English

We have been developing monolithic active pixel sensors, X-ray Astronomy SOI pixel sensors, XRPIXs, based on a Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI) CMOS technology as soft X-ray sensors for a future Japanese mission, FORCE (Focusing On Relativistic universe and Cosmic Evolution). The mission is characterized by broadband (1-80 keV) X-ray imaging spectroscopy with high angular resolution ($<15$~arcsec), with which we can achieve about ten times higher sensitivity in comparison to the previous missions above 10~keV. Immediate readout of only those pixels hit by an X-ray is available by an event trigger output function implemented in each pixel with the time resolution higher than $10~{rm mu sec}$ (Event-Driven readout mode). It allows us to do fast timing observation and also reduces non-X-ray background dominating at a high X-ray energy band above 5--10~keV by adopting an anti-coincidence technique. In this paper, we introduce our latest results from the developments of the XRPIXs. (1) We successfully developed a 3-side buttable back-side illumination device with an imaging area size of 21.9~mm$times$13.8~mm and an pixel size of $36~{rm mu m} times 36~{rm mu m}$. The X-ray throughput with the device reaches higher than 0.57~kHz in the Event-Driven readout mode. (2) We developed a device using the double SOI structure and found that the structure improves the spectral performance in the Event-Driven readout mode by suppressing the capacitive coupling interference between the sensor and circuit layers. (3) We also developed a new device equipped with the Pinned Depleted Diode structure and confirmed that the structure reduces the dark current generated at the interface region between the sensor and the SiO$_2$ insulator layers. The device shows an energy resolution of 216~eV in FWHM at 6.4~keV in the Event-Driven readout mode.
