Characteristic numbers of crepant resolutions of Weierstrass models

Abstract in English

We compute characteristic numbers of crepant resolutions of Weierstrass models corresponding to elliptically fibered fourfolds $Y$ dual in F-theory to a gauge theory with gauge group $G$. In contrast to the case of fivefolds, Chern and Pontryagin numbers of fourfolds are invariant under crepant birational maps. It follows that Chern and Pontryagin numbers are independent on a choice of a crepant resolution. We present the results for the Euler characteristic, the holomorphic genera, the Todd-genus, the $L$-genus, the $hat{A}$-genus, and the curvature invariant $X_8$ that appears in M-theory. We also show that certain characteristic classes are independent on the choice of the Kodaria fiber characterizing the group $G$. That is the case of $int_Y c_1^2 c_2$, the arithmetic genus, and the $hat{A}$-genus. Thus, it is enough to know $int_Y c_2^2$ and the Euler characteristic $chi(Y)$ to determine all the Chern numbers of an elliptically fibered fourfold. We consider the cases of $G=$ SU($n$) for ($n=2,3,4,5,6,7$), USp($4$), Spin($7$), Spin($8$), Spin($10$), G$_2$, F$_4$, E$_6$, E$_7$, or E$_8$.
