Rotational sound in disordered granular materials

Abstract in English

We employ numerical simulations to understand the evolution of elastic standing waves in disordered frictional disk systems, where the dispersion relations of rotational sound modes are analyzed in detail. As in the case of frictional particles on a lattice, the rotational modes exhibit an optical-like dispersion relation in the high frequency regime, representing a shoulder of the vibrational density of states and fast oscillations of the autocorrelations of rotational velocities. A lattice-based model describes the dispersion relations of the rotational modes for small wave numbers. The rotational modes are perfectly explained by the model if tangential elastic forces between the disks in contact are large enough. If the tangential forces are comparable with or smaller than normal forces, the model fails for short wave lengths. However, the dispersion relation of the rotational modes then follows the model prediction for transverse modes, implying that the fast oscillations of disks rotations switch to acoustic sound behavior. We evidence such a transition of the rotational modes by analyzing the eigen vectors of disordered frictional disks and identify upper and lower limits of the frequency-bands. We find that those are not reversed over the whole range of tangential stiffness as a remarkable difference from the rotational sound in frictional particles on a lattice.
