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On the nature of quantum gravity

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 Added by Vasileios Kiosses I
 Publication date 2018
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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It was recently advanced the argument that Unruh effect emerges from the study of quantum field theory in quantum space-time. Quantum space-time is identified with the Hilbert space of a new kind of quantum fields, the accelerated fields, which are defined in momentum space. In this work, we argue that the interactions between such fields offer a clear distinction between flat and curved space-times. Free accelerated fields are associated with flat spacetime, while interacting accelerated fields with curved spacetimes. Our intuition that quantum gravity arises via field interactions is verified by invoking quantum statistics. Studying the Unruh-like effect of accelerated fields, we show that any massive object behaves as a black body at temperature which is inversely proportional to its mass, radiating space-time quanta. With a heuristic argument, it is shown that Hawking radiation naturally arises in a theory in which space-time is quantized. Finally, in terms of thermodynamics, gravity can be identified with an entropic force guaranteed by the second law of thermodynamics.

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We propose that the Schrodinger equation results from applying the classical wave equation to describe the physical system in which subatomic particles play random motion, thereby leading to quantum mechanics. The physical reality described by the wave function is subatomic particle moving randomly. Therefore, the characteristics of quantum mechanics have a dual nature, one of them is the deterministic nature carried on from classical physics, and the other is the probabilistic nature coined by particles random motion. Based on this model, almost all of open questions in quantum mechanics can be explained consistently, which include the particle-wave duality, the principle of quantum superposition, the interference pattern of double-slit experiments, and the boundary between classical world and quantum world.
A new localization scheme for Klein-Gordon particle states is introduced in the form of general space and time operators. The definition of these operators is achieved by establishing a second quantum field in the momentum space of the standard field we want to localize (here Klein-Gordon field). The motivation for defining a new field in momentum space is as follows. In standard field theories one can define a momentum (and energy) operator for a field excitation but not a general position (and time) operator because the field satisfies a differential equation in position space and, through its Fourier transform, an algebraic equation in momentum space. Thus, in a field theory which does the opposite, namely it satisfies a differential equation in momentum space and an algebraic equation in position space, we will be able to define a position and time operator. Since the new field lives in the momentum space of the Klein-Gordon field, the creation/annihilation operators of the former, which build the new space and time operators, reduce to the field operators of the latter. As a result, particle states of Klein-Gordon field are eigenstates of the new space and time operators and therefore localized on a space-time described by their spectrum. Finally, we show that this space-time is flat because it accommodates the two postulates of special relativity. Interpretation of special relativistic notions as inertial observers and proper acceleration in terms of the new field is also provided.
548 - C Sivaram 2013
Gravity stands apart from other fundamental interactions in that it is locally equivalent to an accelerated frame and can be transformed away. Again it is indistinguishable from the geometry of space-time (which is an arena for all other basic interactions), its strength being linked with the curvature. This is a major reason why it has so far not been amenable to quantisation like other interactions. It is also evident that new ideas are required to resolve several conundrums in areas like cosmology, black hole physics, and particles at high energies. That gravity can have strong coupling at microscales has also been suggested in several contexts earlier. Here we develop some of these ideas, especially in connection with the high accelerations experienced by particles at microscales, which would be interpreted as strong local gravitational fields. The consequences are developed for various situations and possible experimental manifestations are discussed.
74 - Wen-ge Wang 2019
In this paper, a formulation, which is completely established on a quantum ground, is presented for basic contents of quantum electrodynamics (QED). This is done by moving away, from the fundamental level, the assumption that the spin space of bare photons should (effectively) possess the same properties as those of free photons observed experimentally. Within this formulation, bare photons with zero momentum can not be neglected when constructing the photon field; and an explicit expression for the related part of the photon field is derived. When a local gauge transformation is performed on the electron field, this expression predicts a change that turns out to be equal to what the gauge symmetry requires for the gauge field. This gives an explicit mechanism, by which the photon field may change under gauge transformations in QED.
We consider a closed region $R$ of 3d quantum space modeled by $SU(2)$ spin-networks. Using the concentration of measure phenomenon we prove that, whenever the ratio between the boundary $partial R$ and the bulk edges of the graph overcomes a finite threshold, the state of the boundary is always thermal, with an entropy proportional to its area. The emergence of a thermal state of the boundary can be traced back to a large amount of entanglement between boundary and bulk degrees of freedom. Using the dual geometric interpretation provided by loop quantum gravity, we interprete such phenomenon as a pre-geometric analogue of Thornes Hoop conjecture, at the core of the formation of a horizon in General Relativity.
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