SDSS-IV MaNGA: Spatially resolved star-formation histories and the connection to galaxy physical properties

Abstract in English

A key task of observational extragalactic astronomy is to determine where -- within galaxies of diverse masses and morphologies -- stellar mass growth occurs, how it depends on galaxy properties and what processes regulate star formation. Using spectroscopic indices derived from the stellar continuum at $sim 4000$AA, we determine the spatially resolved star-formation histories of 980000 spaxels in 2404 galaxies in the SDSS-IV MaNGA IFU survey. We examine the spatial distribution of star-forming, quiescent, green valley, starburst and post-starburst spaxels as a function of stellar mass and morphology to see where and in what types of galaxy star formation is occurring. The spatial distribution of star-formation is dependent primarily on stellar mass, with a noticeable change in the distribution at mstar$>10^{10}$msun. Galaxies above this mass have an increasing fraction of regions that are forming stars with increasing radius, whereas lower mass galaxies have a constant fraction of star forming regions with radius. Our findings support a picture of inside-out growth and quenching at high masses. We find that morphology (measured via concentration) correlates with the fraction of star-forming spaxels, but not with their radial distribution. We find (post-)starburst regions are more common outside of the galaxy centre, are preferentially found in asymmetric galaxies, and have lower gas-phase metallicity than other regions, consistent with interactions triggering starbursts and driving low metallicity gas into regions at $<1.5R_e$.
