Giant anomalous Nernst effect and quantum-critical scaling in a ferromagnetic semimetal

Abstract in English

In metallic ferromagnets, the Berry curvature of underlying quasiparticles can cause an electric voltage perpendicular to both magnetization and an applied temperature gradient, a phenomenon called the anomalous Nernst effect (ANE). Here, we report the observation of a giant ANE in the full-Heusler ferromagnet Co$_2$MnGa, reaching $S_{yx}sim -6$ $mu$V/K at room $T$, one order of magnitude larger than the maximum value reported for a magnetic conductor. With increasing temperature, the transverse thermoelectric conductivity or Peltier coefficient $alpha_{yx}$ shows a crossover between $T$-linear and $-T log(T)$ behaviors, indicating the violation of Mott formula at high temperatures. Our numerical and analytical calculations indicate that the proximity to a quantum Lifshitz transition between type-I and type-II magnetic Weyl fermions is responsible for the observed crossover properties and an enhanced $alpha_{yx}$. The $T$ dependence of $alpha_{yx}$ in experiments and numerical calculations can be understood in terms of a quantum critical scaling function predicted by the low energy effective theory over more than a decade of temperatures. Moreover, the observation of chiral anomaly or an unsaturated positive longitudinal magnetoconductance also provide evidence for the existence of Weyl fermions in Co$_2$MnGa.
