Stellar chemo-kinematics of the Cetus dwarf spheroidal galaxy

Abstract in English

In order to minimize environmental effects and gain an insight into the internal mechanisms that shape the properties of the early-type dwarf systems, we study one of the few isolated dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs) of the Local Group (LG): Cetus. We obtained VLT/FORS2 spectra ($Rsim2600$) in the region of the nIR CaII triplet lines for 80 candidate red giant branch stars. The analysis yielded line-of-sight velocities and metallicities ([Fe/H]) for 54 bona fide member stars. The kinematic analysis shows that Cetus is a mainly pressure-supported ($sigma_v = 11.0_{-1.3}^{+1.6}$ km/s), dark-matter-dominated system ($M_{1/2}/L_V = 23.9_{-8.9}^{+9.7} M_odot/L_odot$) with no significant signs of internal rotation. We find Cetus to be a metal-poor system with a significant [Fe/H] spread (median [Fe/H] = -1.71 dex, median-absolute-deviation = 0.49 dex), as expected for its stellar mass. We report the presence of a mild metallicity gradient compatible with those found in other dSphs of the same luminosity; we trace the presence of a stellar population gradient also in the spatial distribution of stars in different evolutionary phases in ancillary SuprimeCam photometric data. There are tentative indications of two chemo-kinematically distinct sub-populations, with the more metal-poor stars showing a hotter kinematics than the metal-richer ones. Furthermore, the photometric dataset reveals the presence of a foreground population that most likely belongs to the Sagittarius stream. This study represents a first comprehensive analysis of Cetus chemo-kinematic properties. Our results add Cetus to the growing scatter in stellar-dark matter halo properties in low-mass galactic systems. The presence of a metallicity gradient akin to those found in similar systems inhabiting different environments may hint at metallicity gradients in LG early-type dwarfs being driven by internal mechanisms.
