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Apache Spark is a Big Data framework for working on large distributed datasets. Although widely used in the industry, it remains rather limited in the academic community or often restricted to software engineers. The goal of this paper is to show with practical uses-cases that the technology is mature enough to be used without excessive programming skills by astronomers or cosmologists in order to perform standard analyses over large datasets, as those originating from future galaxy surveys. To demonstrate it, we start from a realistic simulation corresponding to 10 years of LSST data taking (6 billions of galaxies). Then, we design, optimize and benchmark a set of Spark python algorithms in order to perform standard operations as adding photometric redshift errors, measuring the selection function or computing power spectra over tomographic bins. Most of the commands execute on the full 110 GB dataset within tens of seconds and can therefore be performed interactively in order to design full-scale cosmological analyses. A jupyter notebook summarizing the analysis is available at
We propose TRANSMUT-Spark, a tool that automates the mutation testing process of Big Data processing code within Spark programs. Apache Spark is an engine for Big Data Processing. It hides the complexity inherent to Big Data parallel and distributed programming and processing through built-in functions, underlying parallel processes, and data management strategies. Nonetheless, programmers must cleverly combine these functions within programs and guide the engine to use the right data management strategies to exploit the large number of computational resources required by Big Data processing and avoid substantial production losses. Many programming details in data processing code within Spark programs are prone to false statements that need to be correctly and automatically tested. This paper explores the application of mutation testing in Spark programs, a fault-based testing technique that relies on fault simulation to evaluate and design test sets. The paper introduces the TRANSMUT-Spark solution for testing Spark programs. TRANSMUT-Spark automates the most laborious steps of the process and fully executes the mutation testing process. The paper describes how the tool automates the mutants generation, test execution, and adequacy analysis phases of mutation testing with TRANSMUT-Spark. It also discusses the results of experiments that were carried out to validate the tool to argue its scope and limitations.
The CERN IT provides a set of Hadoop clusters featuring more than 5 PBytes of raw storage with different open-source, user-level tools available for analytical purposes. The CMS experiment started collecting a large set of computing meta-data, e.g. dataset, file access logs, since 2015. These records represent a valuable, yet scarcely investigated, set of information that needs to be cleaned, categorized and analyzed. CMS can use this information to discover useful patterns and enhance the overall efficiency of the distributed data, improve CPU and site utilization as well as tasks completion time. Here we present evaluation of Apache Spark platform for CMS needs. We discuss two main use-cases CMS analytics and ML studies where efficient process billions of records stored on HDFS plays an important role. We demonstrate that both Scala and Python (PySpark) APIs can be successfully used to execute extremely I/O intensive queries and provide valuable data insight from collected meta-data.
The need for modern data analytics to combine relational, procedural, and map-reduce-style functional processing is widely recognized. State-of-the-art systems like Spark have added SQL front-ends and relational query optimization, which promise an increase in expressiveness and performance. But how good are these extensions at extracting high performance from modern hardware platforms? While Spark has made impressive progress, we show that for relational workloads, there is still a significant gap compared with best-of-breed query engines. And when stepping outside of the relational world, query optimization techniques are ineffective if large parts of a computation have to be treated as user-defined functions (UDFs). We present Flare: a new back-end for Spark that brings performance closer to the best SQL engines, without giving up the added expressiveness of Spark. We demonstrate order of magnitude speedups both for relational workloads such as TPC-H, as well as for a range of machine learning kernels that combine relational and iterative functional processing. Flare achieves these results through (1) compilation to native code, (2) replacing parts of the Spark runtime system, and (3) extending the scope of optimization and code generation to large classes of UDFs.
Distributed data processing ecosystems are widespread and their components are highly specialized, such that efficient interoperability is urgent. Recently, Apache Arrow was chosen by the community to serve as a format mediator, providing efficient in-memory data representation. Arrow enables efficient data movement between data processing and storage engines, significantly improving interoperability and overall performance. In this work, we design a new zero-cost data interoperability layer between Apache Spark and Arrow-based data sources through the Arrow Dataset API. Our novel data interface helps separate the computation (Spark) and data (Arrow) layers. This enables practitioners to seamlessly use Spark to access data from all Arrow Dataset API-enabled data sources and frameworks. To benefit our community, we open-source our work and show that consuming data through Apache Arrow is zero-cost: our novel data interface is either on-par or more performant than native Spark.
Identifying the causal relationships between subjects or variables remains an important problem across various scientific fields. This is particularly important but challenging in complex systems, such as those involving human behavior, sociotechnical contexts, and natural ecosystems. By exploiting state space reconstruction via lagged embedding of time series, convergent cross mapping (CCM) serves as an important method for addressing this problem. While powerful, CCM is computationally costly; moreover, CCM results are highly sensitive to several parameter values. While best practice entails exploring a range of parameter settings when assessing casual relationships, the resulting computational burden can raise barriers to practical use, especially for long time series exhibiting weak causal linkages. We demonstrate here several means of accelerating CCM by harnessing the distributed Apache Spark platform. We characterize and report on results of several experiments with parallelized solutions that demonstrate high scalability and a capacity for over an order of magnitude performance improvement for the baseline configuration. Such economies in computation time can speed learning and robust identification of causal drivers in complex systems.