Optimized MPGD-based Photon Detectors for high momentum particle identification at the Electron-Ion Collider

Abstract in English

Particle IDentification (PID) is a central requirement of the experiments at the future EIC. Hadron PID at high momenta by RICH techniques requires the use of low density gaseous radiators, where the challenge is the limited length of the radiator region available at a collider experiment. By selecting a photon wavelength range in the far UV domain, around 120 nm, the number of detectable photons can be increased. Ideal sensors are gaseous Photon Detectors (PD) with CsI photocathode, where the status of the art is represented by the MPGD-based PDs at COMPASS RICH. Detector optimization is required for the application at EIC. Here we report about a dedicated prototype where the sensor pad-size has been reduced to preserve the angular resolution. A new DAQ system based on the SRS readout electronics has been developed for the laboratory and test beam studies of the prototype.
