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Flow Resistance and Structures in Viscoelastic Channel Flows at Low Re

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 Added by Boyang Qin
 Publication date 2018
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The flow of viscoelastic fluids in channels and pipes remain poorly understood, particularly at low Reynolds numbers. Here, we investigate the flow of polymeric solutions in straight channels using pressure measurements and particle tracking. The law of flow resistance is established by measuring the flow friction factor $f_{eta}$ versus flow rate. Two regimes are found: a transitional regime marked by rapid increase in drag, and a turbulent-like regime characterized by a sudden decrease in drag and a weak dependence on flow rate. Lagrangian trajectories show finite transverse modulations not seen in Newtonian fluids. These curvature perturbations far downstream can generate sufficient hoop stresses to sustain the flow instabilities in the parallel shear flow.

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Starting from stationary bifurcations in Couette-Dean flow, we compute nontrivial stationary solutions in inertialess viscoelastic circular Couette flow. These solutions are strongly localized vortex pairs, exist at arbitrarily large wavelengths, and show hysteresis in the Weissenberg number, similar to experimentally observed ``diwhirl patterns. Based on the computed velocity and stress fields, we elucidate a heuristic, fully nonlinear mechanism for these flows. We propose that these localized, fully nonlinear structures comprise fundamental building blocks for complex spatiotemporal dynamics in the flow of elastic liquids.
We show that viscoelastic plane Poiseuille flow becomes linearly unstable in the absence of inertia, in the limit of high elasticities, for ultra-dilute polymer solutions. While inertialess elastic instabilities have been predicted for curvilinear shear flows, this is the first ever report of a purely elastic linear instability in a rectilinear shear flow. The novel instability continues upto a Reynolds number ($Re$) of $O(1000)$, corresponding to the recently identified elasto-inertial turbulent state believed to underlie the maximum-drag-reduced regime. Thus, for highly elastic ultra-dilute polymer solutions, a single linearly unstable modal branch may underlie transition to elastic turbulence at zero $Re$, and to elasto-inertial turbulence at moderate $Re$, implying the existence of continuous pathways connecting the turbulent states to each other, and to the laminar base state.
96 - Danah Park , Ali Mani 2021
This study aims to quantify how turbulence in a channel flow mixes momentum in the mean sense. We applied the macroscopic forcing method to direct numerical simulation (DNS) of a turbulent channel flow at Re$_tau$=180 using two different forcing strategies that are designed to separately assess the anisotropy and nonlocality of momentum mixing. In the first strategy, the leading term of the Kramers-Moyal expansion of the eddy viscosity operator is quantified where the macroscopic forcing is employed to reveal all 81 tensorial coefficients that essentially represent the local-limit eddy viscosity. The results indicate: (1) eddy viscosity has significant anisotropy, (2) Reynolds stresses are generated by both mean strain rate and mean rotation rate tensors, and (3) the local-limit eddy viscosity generates asymmetric Reynolds stress tensors. In the second strategy, the eddy viscosity operator is considered as an integration kernel representing the nonlocal influence of mean gradients on the Reynolds stresses. Considering the average of this kernel in the homogeneous directions, the macroscopic forcing is designed to reveal the nonlocal effects in the wall-normal direction for all 9 components of the Reynolds stresses. Our results indicate that while the shear component of the Reynolds stress is reasonably controlled by the local mean gradients, other components of the Reynolds stress are highly nonlocal. These two analyses provide accurate verification data for quantitative testing of anisotropy and nonlocality effects in turbulence closure models.
Modal stability analysis provides information about the long-time growth or decay of small-amplitude perturbations around a steady-state solution of a dynamical system. In fluid flows, exponentially growing perturbations can initiate departure from laminar flow and trigger transition to turbulence. Although flow of a Newtonian fluid through a pipe is linearly stable for very large values of the Reynolds number ($Re sim 10^7$), a transition to turbulence often occurs for $Re$ as low as $1500$. When a dilute polymer solution is used in the place of a Newtonian fluid, the transitional value of the Reynolds number decreases even further. Using the spectral collocation method and Oldroyd-B constitutive equation, Garg et al. (Phys. Rev. Lett. 121:024502, 2018) claimed that such a transition in viscoelastic fluids is related to linear instability. Since differential matrices in the collocation method become ill-conditioned when a large number of basis functions is used, we revisit this problem using the well-conditioned spectral integration method. We show modal stability of viscoelastic pipe flow for a broad range of fluid elasticities and polymer concentrations, including cases considered by Garg et al. Similarly, we find that plane Poiseuille flow is linearly stable for cases where Garg et al. report instability. In both channel and pipe flows, we establish the existence of spurious modes that diverge slowly with finer discretization and demonstrate that these can be mistaken for grid-independent modes if the discretization is not fine enough.
In this paper, a three-dimensional numerical solver is developed for suspensions of rigid and soft particles and droplets in viscoelastic and elastoviscoplastic (EVP) fluids. The presented algorithm is designed to allow for the first time three-dimensional simulations of inertial and turbulent EVP fluids with a large number particles and droplets. This is achieved by combining fast and highly scalable methods such as an FFT-based pressure solver, with the evolution equation for non-Newtonian (including elastoviscoplastic) stresses. In this flexible computational framework, the fluid can be modelled by either Oldroyd-B, neo-Hookean, FENE-P, and Saramito EVP models, and the additional equations for the non-Newtonian stresses are fully coupled with the flow. The rigid particles are discretized on a moving Lagrangian grid while the flow equations are solved on a fixed Eulerian grid. The solid particles are represented by an Immersed Boundary method (IBM) with a computationally efficient direct forcing method allowing simulations of a large numbers of particles. The immersed boundary force is computed at the particle surface and then included in the momentum equations as a body force. The droplets and soft particles on the other hand are simulated in a fully Eulerian framework, the former with a level-set method to capture the moving interface and the latter with an indicator function. The solver is first validated for various benchmark single-phase and two-phase elastoviscoplastic flow problems through comparison with data from the literature. Finally, we present new results on the dynamics of a buoyancy-driven drop in an elastoviscoplastic fluid.
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