Renormalization of the multi-Higgs-doublet Standard Model and one-loop lepton mass corrections

Abstract in English

Motivated by models for neutrino masses and lepton mixing, we consider the renormalization of the lepton sector of a general multi-Higgs-doublet Standard Model with an arbitrary number of right-handed neutrino singlets. We propose to make the theory finite by $overline{mbox{MS}}$ renormalization of the parameters of the unbroken theory. However, using a general $R_xi$ gauge, in the explicit one-loop computations of one-point and two-point functions it becomes clear that---in addition---a renormalization of the vacuum expectation values (VEVs) is necessary. Moreover, in order to ensure vanishing one-point functions of the physical scalar mass eigenfields, finite shifts of the tree-level VEVs, induced by the finite parts of the tadpole diagrams, are required. As a consequence of our renormalization scheme, physical masses are functions of the renormalized parameters and VEVs and thus derived quantities. Applying our scheme to one-loop corrections of lepton masses, we perform a thorough discussion of finiteness and $xi$-independence. In the latter context, the tadpole contributions figure prominently.
