Optical and Infrared Photometry of the Nearby SN 2017cbv

Abstract in English

On 2017 March 11, the DLT40 Transient Discovery Survey discovered SN 2017cbv in NGC5643, a Type 2 Seyfert Galaxy in the Lupus Constellation. SN 2017cbv went on to become a bright Type Ia supernova, with a $V_{max}$ of 11.51 $pm$ 0.05 mag. We present early time optical and infrared photometry of SN 2017cbv covering the rise and fall of over 68 days. We find that SN 2017cbv has a broad light curve $Delta m_{15}(B)$ = 0.88 $pm$ 0.07, a $B$-band maximum at 2457840.97 $pm$ 0.43, a negligible host galaxy reddening where $E(B-V)_{host}$ $approx$ 0, and a distance modulus of 30.49 $pm$ 0.32 to the SN, corresponding to a distance of $12.58_{-1.71}^{+1.98}$ Mpc. We also present the results of two different numerical models we used for analysis in this paper: SALT2, an empirical model for Type Ia supernova optical light curves that accounts for variability components; and SNooPy, the CSP-II light-curve model that covers both optical and near-infrared wavelengths and is used for distance estimates.
