Growth evolution of self-affine thermally evaporated KBr thin films: A fractal assessment

Abstract in English

In this article, fractal concepts were used to explore the thermally evaporated potassium bromide thin films of different thicknesses 200, 300, and 500 nm respectively; grown on aluminium substrates at room temperature. The self-affine or self similar nature of growing surfaces was investigated by autocorrelation function and obtained results are compared with the morphological envelope method. Theoretical estimations revealed that the global surface parameters such as, interface width and lateral correlation length are monotonically decreased with increasing film thickness. Also, from height profile and A-F plots, it has been perceived that irregularity/ complexity of growing layers was significantly influenced by thickness. On the other hand, the fractal dimension and local roughness exponent, estimated by height-height correlation function, do not suggest such dependency.
