Cepheids in M31 - The PAndromeda Cepheid sample

Abstract in English

We present the largest Cepheid sample in M31 based on the complete Pan-STARRS1 survey of Andromeda (PAndromeda) in the $r_{mathrm{P1}}$ , $i_{mathrm{P1}}$ and $g_{mathrm{P1}}$ bands. We find 2686 Cepheids with 1662 fundamental mode Cepheids, 307 first-overtone Cepheids, 278 type II Cepheids and 439 Cepheids with undetermined Cepheid type. Using the method developed by Kodric et al. (2013) we identify Cepheids by using a three dimensional parameter space of Fourier parameters of the Cepheid light curves combined with a color cut and other selection criteria. This is an unbiased approach to identify Cepheids and results in a homogeneous Cepheid sample. The Period-Luminosity relations obtained for our sample have smaller dispersions than in our previous work. We find a broken slope that we previously observed with HST data in Kodric et al. (2015), albeit with a lower significance.
