Transport in Floquet-Bloch bands

Abstract in English

We report Floquet band engineering of long-range transport and direct imaging of Floquet-Bloch bands in an amplitude-modulated optical lattice. In one variety of Floquet-Bloch band we observe tunable rapid long-range high-fidelity transport of a Bose condensate across thousands of lattice sites. Quenching into an opposite-parity Floquet-hybridized band allows Wannier-Stark localization to be controllably turned on and off using modulation. A central result of this work is the use of transport dynamics to demonstrate direct imaging of a Floquet-Bloch band structure. These results demonstrate that transport in dynamical Floquet-Bloch bands can be mapped to transport in quasi-static effective bands, opening a path to cold atom quantum emulation of ultrafast multi-band electronic dynamics.
